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  • 07 Jan 2023
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Uttarakhand Switch to Hindi

Famous Litterateur of Uttarakhand Dr. Arun Kuksal will Get the Prestigious Rahul Sankrityayan Tourism Award

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On January 6, 2023, Dr. Arun Kuksal, a famous litterateur from Uttarakhand, has been selected for the first prize under the 'Rahul Sankrityayan Tourism Award, 2020-21', conferred by the 'Ministry of Tourism, Government of India' for his famous book 'Chale Saath Pahar'.

Key Points

  • Dr. Arun Kuksal was born on 8 October 1959 in Chami village of Pauri Garhwal. Presently he lives in Shrikot-Srinagar. Dr. Arun Kuksal is working on the post of Ombudsman in MNREGA Department of Pauri. Arun Kuksal has written seven books so far.
  • Dr. Arun Kuksal is associated with regular writing in published journals and social media on social, economic, educational, cultural and literary issues of Himalayan society. Seven books on his entrepreneurship development, travel literature and socio-cultural issues have been published.
  • It is worth mentioning that in the past, Dr. Arun Kuksal has received the 'National Entrepreneur Induction Trainer Award' for his remarkable contribution in the field of entrepreneurship education.
  • Presently Dr. Arun Kuksal is active in the work of library operation, computer training and career guidance for children, youth and women in his native village Chami. Also, rendering his expert services on the post of Lokpal (MNREGA), Pauri (Garhwal).

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