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Devgudis and Matagudis of Bastar were Written Down
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According to the information given by the Chhattisgarh Public Relations Department on October 5, 2023, as per the intention of the state government, the center of faith in the heritage of the tribals of the tribal-dominated Bastar region of Chhattisgarh, Devgudis-Matagudis, is being developed by the Bastar Region Tribal Development Authority in the direction of preserving and promoting These Devgudis and Matagudi have been written down.
Key Points:
- It is known that many tribal communities have been living in the tribal dominated Bastar region of Chhattisgarh for centuries. These tribal communities have their own distinct cultural heritage. The center of faith in tribal heritage is Devgudis -Matagudis, which has its own importance in the tribal communities.
- Bastar Area Tribal Development Authority has taken a comprehensive initiative to renovate and beautify these Devgudis and Matagudi with the convergence of various items.
- Most of the tribal community groups are nature worshippers, they believe that their gods and goddesses reside in trees and plants and as a result of this belief, they are playing an important role in saving the forests. This is the reason why trees and plants are found in abundance at these places of worship.
- Fruitful and shady trees are being planted on a large scale in the premises of these temples. Along with this, by providing a Community Forest Rights Recognition Certificate of the said temples, the land has been registered in the revenue records in the name of the respective Gods and Goddesses for the purpose of preserving the land of Gotul and ancient deceased monuments including Devgudis and Matagudi.
- At the same time, community forest rights recognition letters have been issued in their names to these Devgudis-Matagudis and Gotul and ancient dead monuments, so that these cultural-social heritage complexes can be protected from illegal encroachment. Also, participation of the local tribal community can be ensured towards the conservation and promotion of these heritages.
- For the first time in the country, Chhattisgarh state and Bastar division is such a division of the country, which is committed to the conservation, promotion and preservation of Matagudi, Devgudi, Gotool, ancient deceased memorials, service-application sites etc., the centers of faith and living traditions of tribal communities. .
- Under the Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2453 community forest rights letters have been provided to the Gram Sabha in the name of gods and goddesses. Of these, a total of 2607.20 hectares (6466 acres) of land for 7075 Matagudi, Devgudi, Gotool and ancient dead memorials have been preserved by making entries in the revenue records.
- In Bastar division, a total of 22884 Baiga, Sirha, Manjhi, Gunia, Gaita, Pujari, Bajnia, Atpahariya etc. are being registered under Rajiv Gandhi Landless Farmer Labor Justice Scheme and being provided Rs 7000 every year.
- A booklet named 'Purkhati Papers' (Part One) has been prepared by compiling the community forest rights forms issued to the area-wise tribal communities in Bastar by recording the prevalent beliefs in the oral traditions of the Gods and Goddesses. There is a compilation of Khasras preserved in 'Purakhti Papers' (Part-II), in which the revenue records have been preserved by mentioning the names and area of Mataguri, Devguri in the Kaifiat column of Khasra through Bhuiya.
- In the direction of conservation and promotion of faith and cultural heritage of Bastar region, approval has been given for renovation of 3244 out of 6283 Devgudis and Mataguri and till now the renovation work of 2320 Devgudi and Mataguri has been completed. Out of the approved 297 Gotul construction works, 200 works have been completed.
- Under Bastar division, out of total 7075 Devgudis and Mataguri including Gotul and ancient deceased monuments, 3619 Devgudi-Mataguri and Gotul and deceased monuments are located on revenue, non-forest land, private land and other items, due to which 898 hectares of land is protected.
- At the same time, about 1709 hectares of land has been protected by providing community forest rights recognition letters to all the remaining 3456 Devgudis-Matagudis and Ghotul and oriental dead memorials. About 6466 acres of revenue land has been preserved as Deva-Matagudi.
- Bastar Area Tribal Development Authority-
- Bastar Area Tribal Development Authority was constituted by the state government on February 27, 2019. Its president and vice-president and local public representatives have been made members.
- The main objective of the authority is to preserve, promote and protect the culture of the tribals in Bastar region, under this authority other works are being approved for the development of the area and rural economy.
- Bastar, Kondagaon, Narayanpur, Kanker, Dantewada, Bijapur and Sukma districts of the division are included under the authority.
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