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Dhanvantari Award
Why in News?
Rajasthan's Nadi Vaidya Tarachand Sharma has been honoured with Ayurveda's highest 'Dhanvantari' award by the Government of India.
Key Points
- About the Event:
- This award was given by the Union AYUSH Minister during the Dhanvantri Award distribution ceremony on 20 February 2025 in Mumbai.
- It is given to those individuals who have made exceptional contributions in the field of Ayurveda.
- He was honoured with a prize of Rs 5 lakh, a citation, a shawl and a coconut.
- This award was given by the Union AYUSH Minister during the Dhanvantri Award distribution ceremony on 20 February 2025 in Mumbai.
- About the winner:
- Tarachand Sharma is a resident of Bissau town of Jhunjhunu district.
- He has been honored with many awards and titles in the field of Ayurveda.
- He is a renowned pulse doctor.
- Many books written by Tarachand Sharma are also included in the curriculum of various Ayurveda universities.
- The word Ayurveda derived from AYU and VEDA. AYU means life, VEDA means science or knowledge, Ayurveda means the science of life.
- Ayurveda embraces all living things, human and non-human.
- It is divided into three main branches
- Nara Ayurveda: dealing with human life.
- Satva Ayurveda: dealing with animal life and its diseases.
- Vriksha Ayurveda: dealing with plant life, its growth and diseases.
- Ayurveda is not only a system of medicine but also a way of life for complete positive health and spiritual attainments.