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State PCS


  • 03 Jun 2023
  • 3 min read
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Uttarakhand Switch to Hindi

Single Female-Male government employee will also get Child Care Leave

Why In News?

On June 1, 2023, Uttarakhand's Finance Secretary Dilip Jawalkar issued an order regarding the proposal for childcare leave to single female and male guardian employees of the state.

Key Points:

  • The single male guardian shall include all those employees who are unmarried or widowers or divorcees and who have the responsibility of one child on their shoulders alone.
  • According to the issued order, women employees of the state government and women and men single employees will be able to childcare are leave for two years i.e. 730 days in the entire service period to take care of their children during illness or examination etc.
  • This leave will be valid only for the two eldest surviving children till the age of 18 years. There will be no restriction of age limit in case of children with 40% or more disability.
  • This leave will be sanctioned as earned leave and its account will be maintained on the same lines. Public holidays falling in the middle of this holiday will be considered included in childcare leave.
  • The authority appointed for public interest and administrative work shall not grant leave to an employee for a period of less than five days and not more than 120 days at a time.
  • A single female government employee will get a maximum of six holidays in a calendar year and other eligible male and female employees three times in a calendar year. They will get a full salary for 365 days of leave. For the next 365 days, they will be paid only 80 percent of the sanctioned leave.
  • Eligible male and female government teachers (except the posts of UGC, CSIR and ICAR) of government and aided educational and technical educational institutions of many departments and non-teaching eligible employees of aided educational and technical educational institutions will also get leave.
  • Employees will not be entitled to child care leave while on probation, but in departments whose service rules provide for child care leave during the probation period, it cannot be given for more than three months.
  • In special circumstances, the appointing authority may also consider sanctioning child care leave of a lesser duration on merits.

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