UPPCS Syllabus - Prelims | 06 Jan 2025
The Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (UPPCS) Preliminary Examination tests candidates on a diverse range of topics to assess their comprehensive understanding of key areas. The detailed syllabus is outlined in the subsequent sections for a clearer understanding of the examination’s scope and focus areas.
General Studies-I
Topic |
Key Focus Areas |
Current Events of National and International Importance |
History of India and Indian National Movement |
India and World Geography |
Indian Polity and Governance |
Economic and Social Development |
General Issues on Environmental Ecology, Biodiversity, and Climate Change |
General Science |
Note: Candidates are expected to have general awareness about the above subjects with special reference to Uttar Pradesh.
GS Paper-II
Syllabus for Elementary Mathematics, General English, and General Hindi | |
Subject | Topics |
Elementary Mathematics |
Arithmetic: Number Systems (Natural Numbers, Integers, Rational and Irrational numbers, Real Numbers, Divisors, Prime Integers, L.C.M. and H.C.F.), Average, Ratio and Proportion, Percentage, Profit and Loss, Simple and Compound Interests, Work and Time, Speed, Time and Distance. Algebra: Factors of Polynomials, L.C.M. and H.C.F. of Polynomials, Remainder Theorem, Simultaneous Linear Equations, Quadratic Equations. Set Theory: Sets, Null Set, Subsets and Proper Subsets, Operations (Union, Intersection, Difference, Symmetric Difference), Venn Diagrams. Geometry: Constructions and Theorems (Triangles, Rectangles, Squares, Trapezium, Circles), Perimeter and Area, Volume and Surface Area (Sphere, Right Circular Cylinder, Right Circular Cone, Cube). Statistics: Data Collection, Classification, Frequency Distribution, Tabulation, Cumulative Frequency, Data Representation (Bar Diagram, Pie Chart, Histogram, Frequency Polygon, Ogives), Measures of Central Tendency (Arithmetic Mean, Median, Mode). |
General English | Comprehension, Active and Passive Voice, Parts of Speech, Transformation of Sentences, Direct and Indirect Speech, Punctuation and Spellings, Word Meanings, Vocabulary and Usage, Idioms and Phrases, Fill in the Blanks. |
सामान्य हिंदी | हिंदी वर्णमाला, विराम चिन्ह, शब्द रचना, वाक्य रचना, अर्थ, शब्द-रूप, संधि, समास, क्रियाएं, अनेकार्थी शब्द, विलोम शब्द, पर्यायवाची शब्द, मुहावरे और लोकोक्तियां, तत्सम और तद्भव, देशज, विदेशी (शब्द भंडार), वर्तनी, अर्थबोध, हिन्दी भाषा के प्रयोग में होने वाली अशुद्धियां, उत्तर प्रदेश की मुख्य बोलियां। |