BPSC Mains Syllabus | 19 Dec 2024

The detailed syllabus for the Main Examination, along with the list of Optional Subjects, is provided in the information mentioned below.

General Hindi (Compulsory Subject) 

The questions in this paper will be based on the secondary level of the Bihar School Examination Board.  

  • Essay Writing: 30 marks 
  • Grammar: 30 marks 
  • Sentence Composition: 25 marks 
  • Precis Writing: 15 marks 

General Studies Paper-I 

  • Modern History of India and Indian Culture: Broad history of India from the mid-19th century, with special reference to Bihar. 
    • Introduction and expansion of Western education (including technical education) in Bihar. 
    • The role of Bihar in India’s freedom struggle will be a major focus. 
    • Specific movements and events in Bihar like the Santhal Uprising, the 1857 Rebellion, Birsa Movement, Champaran Satyagraha, and the Quit India Movement of 1942 will be covered. 
  • Indian Art and Culture: Candidates are expected to have knowledge of the chief features of Mauryan and Pal art, as well as Patna Kalam painting. 
    • Contributions of key figures like Gandhi, Tagore, and Nehru. 
  • Current Events of National and International Importance: This section will focus on significant current events both at the national and international levels. 
  • Statistical Analysis, Graphs, and Diagrams: Candidates will be tested on their ability to draw logical conclusions from information presented in statistical, graphical, or diagrammatic forms. 
    • They will also need to point out deficiencies, limitations, or inconsistencies in the provided data. 

General Studies Paper-II 

  • Indian Polity: Political system of India, including its functioning in Bihar. 
  • Indian Economy and Geography of India: Questions will be asked on the planning process in India, as well as the physical, economic, and social geography of both India and Bihar. 
  • Role and Impact of Science and Technology in India’s Development: Impact of science and technology in the development of India and Bihar, with an emphasis on applied aspects. 

Essay Paper 

  • Moral and Philosophical Essay 
  • Hypothetical Essay 
  • Essay related to: 
    • Social, Economic, Political, Religious, and Administrative Issues 
    • Self-reliant India and Digital India 
    • Problems, solutions, and possibilities of Bihar 
    • Popular proverbs and sayings of Bihar, etc. 

Optional Subject  

  • Candidates must select one subject from the following list: 
    (Each subject carries 100 marks and the exam duration is 2 hours.) 
    • The detailed syllabus for each optional subject is available in the BPSC Syllabus PDF. 

Optional Subjects 


Mechanical Engineering

Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science 





Political Science & International Relations 



Civil Engineering 

Public Administration 

Commerce and Accountancy 




Electrical Engineering 



Hindi Language & Literature 


English Language & Literature 


Urdu Language & Literature 

Labour and Social Welfare 

Bangla Language & Literature 


Sanskrit Language & Literature 


Persian Language & Literature 


Arabic Language & Literature