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The President Inaugurated the Constitution Garden in Rajasthan

  • 04 Jan 2023
  • 3 min read

Why In News?

  • On January 3, 2023, the President of India Draupadi Murmu inaugurated the Constitution Garden at Raj Bhavan in Jaipur, Rajasthan, emphasizing the need to work to instill a sense of constitutional morality among the countrymen.

Key Points

  • Speaking on the occasion, the President virtually inaugurated the transmission system set up by the Power Grid Corporation of India for solar energy sectors in Rajasthan. Apart from this, he also laid the virtual foundation stone of 1000 MW Bikaner Solar Power Project.
  • Rajasthan Governor Kalraj Mishra said that after the inauguration of the Constitution Garden by the President, Rajasthan has become the first state in the country where such a Constitution Garden has been prepared in Raj Bhavan.
  • He said that it has been prepared by the Jaipur Development Authority under the Smart City Project of the Central Government. On January 26 last year, the foundation stone of the Constitution Garden was laid at Raj Bhavan.
  • Initiatives have been taken to build constitution gardens in all the funded universities of the state and the tradition of reciting the basic duties has been started by reading the preamble of the Constitution before the address in the state assembly. In this sequence, the Constitution Garden has been constructed here with the aim of connecting all the general and distinguished people coming to Raj Bhavan directly with our ideal culture associated with the Constitution.
  • The Governor said that the Constitution Garden is not only an art form of 22 parts of the holy Constitution of the country, but it is also a reflection of the ideals and culture associated with the Constitution. Here the original handwritten copy of the Indian Constitution is not only very artistic but also presents the ideal of culture. The preface is adorned with paintings of horse, elephant, lion and bull symbolizing the civilization of Mohan Jodaro in the golden border.
  • It also presents drawings made by the great artist Nandalal Bose and his disciples, including the ashram of the Vedic sage performing yagna with the disciples, the statue of Nataraja, the artworks carved at the Mahabalipuram temple, the desert and Gandhiji's Dandi Yatra, Subhash Bose's Azad Hind Fauj, gods and goddesses, Mahatma Buddha etc.
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