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State PCS Current Affairs

Uttar Pradesh

The Chief Minister Flagged off the DG Van

  • 07 Feb 2023
  • 3 min read

Whay In News?

  • On February 5, 2023, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath flagged off the DG Van at his official residence. This Mobile DG Van will provide information about Digital India to the public.

Key points

  • Under the G-20 programme, the objective of this Mobile DG Van is to provide information about Digital India to the public.
  • This Digi van is dedicated to the important digital innovations of Digital India campaign led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi - 'My Gov', 'Digi Locker', 'e-Hospital', 'e-NAM', 'GEM Portal', 'U.P. 'Umang', 'GSTN', 'Cyber Safe India', 'Aarogya Setu' etc.
  • The van also has a VR setup through which people can see virtual demos of various digital applications like paying at petrol pumps through UPI applications, showing their driving license to traffic police through Digi Locker, etc.
  • Uttar Pradesh is a leading state in the field of e-governance. Under the Digital India Mission, various programs are being conducted in the state. Food grains are being distributed through e-POS machines in ration shops under the Food and Logistics Department. This has established a transparent and corruption-free system in food grain distribution.
  • of land other technical infrastructure were created for mining management under directorate 'Mine Mitra' and Mining.
  • in this van There are 2 screens for interactive quiz, on which individuals can display their knowledge about Digital India and G-20.
  • In order to make the youth of the state digitally empowered and capable, the state government is providing Swami Vivekananda Yuva Sashaktikaran Yojana under 'DigiShakti Portal' through 'tablets of cost to the students/ smartphones free'.
  • A total of 2 crore tablets/smartphones are targeted to be distributed in the next 5 years. So far, 20 lakh youth have been provided free tablets/smartphones.
  • Prerna portal has been developed to improve the quality of education in the Basic Education Department. Chief Minister Helpline 1076, 1090- Women Power Line Helpline is being implemented properly by making better use of technology.
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