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Selection of Hazaribagh and Gumla for Tea Cultivation

  • 29 Nov 2022
  • 2 min read

Why In News?

  • On November 28, 2022, Deputy Director Horticulture Rajendra Kishore, in-charge of Demotand-based form, told that once again tea cultivation has started in Jharkhand. In the first phase, two districts of the state Hazaribagh and Gumla have been selected for this.

Key Points

  • Rajendra Kishore said that tea will be cultivated on a total of 65 acres (25 acres in Hazaribagh and 40 acres in Gumla) in both the districts. The work of planting a tea plant has started at the Demotand Farm of the Agriculture Department in Hazaribagh. In Gumla, the plant has not been planted there as the plot is not ready yet.
  • He said that the tea board members have recommended the possibility of tea cultivation in Jharkhand. A tea board team had visited several districts of the state in June this year. The team members have found Hazaribagh and Gumla favorable for the first phase. The soil and weather there are said to be favorable for tea cultivation. The tea board members will also provide technical support to the tea gardens to be installed at both the locations.
  • According to Rajendra Kishore, the leaf of the plant will be ready to break in three years. The age of the plant is about 50 years. Tea is already being cultivated on two acres in Demotand. Its quality was also checked by the members of the T-Board and the quality was described as good. Preparations have been made to plant tea on a total of 25 acres in Demotand.
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