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Madhya Pradesh

Sanjay Gandhi Thermal Power Station Birsingpur made the record for the Highest Power Generation

  • 06 Apr 2023
  • 2 min read

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On 4 April 2023, Madhya Pradesh Power Generating Companies Sanjay Gandhi Thermal Power Station Birsinghpur achieved 74.6 percent plant load factor (PLF) with a total power generation of 8758.8 million units in the financial year 2022-23, the highest power generation in the history of power station Birsinghpur and records highest PLF ever achieved.

Key Points

  • Earlier this powerhouse had achieved a total power generation of 8680.7 million units and 74 percent PLF in the year 2018-19.
  • The total specific oil consumption of 5 units of Sanjay Gandhi Thermal Power Station Birsingpur in the financial year 2022-23 was 0.55 ml per unit and auxiliary consumption was 8 percent.
  • It is noteworthy that Sanjay Gandhi Thermal Power Station has 4 units of 210 MW capacity and one unit of 500 MW capacity. 4 units of 210 MW capacity became functional on 7 October 1993; 26 May 1994; 1 September 1999 and 1 April 2000 respectively. Unit number-5 of 500 MW was commissioned on 27 August 2008. The total installed generation capacity of this powerhouse is 1340 MW.
  • The 500 MW capacity unit of Sanjay Gandhi Thermal Power Station, Birsingpur also set a record for the highest ever power generation and highest PLF by generating a total of 3927.6 million units of electricity and earning 89.7 percent PLF in the financial year 2022-23.
  • The total specific oil consumption of this unit was 0.24 ml per unit. This is the lowest oil consumption ever.
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