Rajasthan International Centre | 30 Jul 2022

Why in news?

  • On July 29, 2022, Rajasthan Chief Secretary Usha Sharma, in a review meeting of the progress of the construction of the Rajasthan International Centre in Jaipur, directed the officials to work by creating a JDA timeline to complete the work of the centre by November.

Key Point

  • She directed that along with developing world-class facilities, the operation and maintenance of the centre should also be of world class. Let the centre develop like a centre that becomes iconic in the country and the world.
  • She said that the centre should be developed on the lines of India International Centre in Delhi. A special team should be formed to run the centre, in which experienced people associated with this sector will be added.
  • Jaipur Development Authority Commissioner Ravi Jain said that the Rajasthan international centre will showcase the beauty of art architecture of the entire state under one roof.
  • Auditorium, Convention Hall, Conference Hall are being constructed here, where world class facilities for organizing conferences and seminars will be available.
  • The walls of the auditorium will be based on a lattice built in the haveli of the Patwas of Jaisalmer. In the convention hall and pre-function area, windows of the city palace's waterfalls and hawamahals will be seen. The mini auditorium has been built according to marwar pattern.
  • The conference hall is being built in Jodhpur's Marwar style, where a glimpse of the traditional arches and monuments of mandore park will be seen. The e-library of the centre will be in a fully modern form, where the best books of the country and the world will be available. Lecture rooms and restaurants are also being constructed at the centre.