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Portal of 'Chief Minister Horticulture Insurance Scheme' Launched

  • 01 Apr 2022
  • 2 min read

Why in News?

On March 31, 2022, Haryana's Agriculture and Farmers Welfare Minister JP Dalal launched the portal of a new Horticulture Crop Insurance Scheme by the name of 'Mukhyamantri Horticulture Insurance Scheme'.

Key Points

  • Under this scheme, farmers will be compensated for the damage caused to their crops due to adverse weather and natural calamities.
  • Adverse weather factors and natural calamities, such as hailstorm, temperature, frost, water factors (floods, cloudburst, canal/drain break, water logging), storms and fires, which cause crop damage, are included in the plan.
  • 21 crops are covered under this scheme, which includes 14 vegetables (tomato, onion, potato, cauliflower, peas, carrot, okra, ghee, bitter gourd, brinjal, green chilli, capsicum, cabbage, radish), 2 spices (turmeric, garlic) ) and 5 fruits (mango, tangerine, plum, guava, litchi).
  • This scheme will be optional for all those farmers who are registered under 'Meri Fasal Mera Byora'.
  • Under the scheme, the sum assured will be Rs 30,000 per acre for vegetables and spices and Rs 40,000 per acre for fruits and the farmer's contribution/share will be only 2.5 percent of the assured amount, which is Rs 750 in vegetables and Rs 1000 per acre in fruits.
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