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State PCS Current Affairs

Uttar Pradesh

Now Hospitals Can be Named After the Donors of Land

  • 16 Jun 2022
  • 2 min read

Why in News?

  • On June 14, 2022, the Uttar Pradesh Cabinet meeting approved the new rules framed by the health department, under which if a person donates his land for the hospital, the concerned hospital can be named after him or her family.

Key Points

  • So far, government hospitals in the state are constructed on village society or other government land. This land is far away from the populated area. In such a situation, doctors and medical personnel are reluctant to stay here. Having a hospital in a deserted area also affects their security.
  • In the survey of the health department, it was revealed that if the population remains a hospital in the area, then there will be better arrangements for its maintenance and safety. In view of this, the Health Department has framed new rules regarding acquisition and purchase of land for construction of hospital. Under this rule, the health department will now be able to buy land and build a hospital in the populated area.
  • Similarly, it has also been given the option that if a person donates the land of the populated area, the concerned hospital can be named after him or his family. The land owner can also get the same amount of government land in a remote area by donating land of the populated area to the hospital.
  • The new rules also provide that while constructing the new hospital, it will be seen that there is no government hospital already within a radius of one kilometer of the area concerned. Similarly, norms of distance from community and district hospitals have also been fixed.
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