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Notification Issued Regarding the Structure and Scope of the Rationalization Commission

  • 29 Mar 2023
  • 6 min read

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On March 28, 2023, Haryana Chief Secretary Sanjeev Kaushal issued a notification regarding the structure and scope of the Rationalization Commission constituted under the chairmanship of Rajan Gupta.

Key points

  • As per the notification issued, the chairman of the commission will be appointed for a period of six months, a state government spokesperson said. However, his tenure may be extended for a further period of 3 months at the discretion of the state government.
  • The post of the Chairman of the Rationalization Commission will be equivalent to that of the Chief Secretary to the Government of Haryana and the headquarters of the Commission will be at Chandigarh/Panchkula.
  • The Rationalization Commission will function as an autonomous and self-regulatory body. The Administrative Secretary of the concerned department, in respect of which the Commission will initiate the process of rationalization, shall be deemed to be co-opted as a member of the Commission for the purpose of rationalization of that department. He shall participate fully in the deliberations of the Commission for the purpose of rationalization of the concerned department.
  • For the smooth functioning of the Rationalization Commission, the State Government in consultation with the Chairman will sanction the requisite posts for the Rationalization Commission. The posts can be filled by the Commission in various ways. on deputation from any Department, Board or Corporation of the State and may be filled by re-appointment of a person retired from any Department, Board or Corporation in the State of Haryana.
  • Apart from this, posts can also be filled through contractual employment as per the instructions and policies of the state government.
  • The Commission shall submit its final report within a period of six months, which may be extended by 3 months at the discretion of the Government and shall submit an interim report at the earliest. If the Government thinks fit, the Government at its discretion may extend the tenure of the Commission for a further period in the same manner.
  • Functions of the Commission-
  • The Commission will make recommendations for restructuring of various government departments, boards and corporations for rationalisation of staff strength with a view to make delivery of public services more efficient and transparent.
  • Similarly, to review the sanctioned filled and vacant posts of each Department, Board and Corporation and make recommendations for their rationalization, study the organizational structure at the headquarters as well as field level of various Departments, Boards and Corporations and make them more efficient. Making recommendations to make them responsive and efficient, recommending introduction of modern management systems to improve the efficiency of government departments/boards and corporations and to make officials at all levels more accountable.
  • The functions of the Commission include making recommendations for preparation of charter of duties and functions of various departments and suggesting appropriate administrative structure for efficient discharge of such duties and functions.
  • Apart from this, the Commission may also make any other recommendation to improve efficiency and transparency in the functioning of government departments, boards and corporations in the state of Haryana.
  • Powers and Responsibilities of the Commission-
  • The Commission will function as an independent and autonomous body, and it will formulate its own procedure and regulate its own functioning. The Commission will keep a record of its work.
  • The Commission shall have full powers to seek any kind of information from any Department, Board or Corporation, including the number of sanctioned posts, filled, vacant, and the type of employees employed against such posts, budgetary provisions made during previous years and actual expenditure, the budget of the department, the entire or any level/level of expenditure. This includes the nature of duties and responsibilities of the Department in the form of regional organization etc., relating to matters being handled laws, rules and directions by the Department and any other information considered relevant to its deliberations by the Commission.
  • If any officer/employee fails to furnish the information sought by the Commission, he/she shall be liable to act for indiscipline by the concerned officers of the Government under the Haryana Civil Services Penalty and Appeal Rules, 2016 or any relevant rules applicable thereto.
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