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National Conclave on Social Enterprises for Garbage Free Cities

  • 04 Mar 2022
  • 3 min read

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On March 3, 2022, a National Conclave on Social Enterprises for Garbage Free City was organized by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, Government of India in Raipur, the capital of Chhattisgarh, in which representatives of 20 states of the country participated.

Key Points

  • On this occasion, Chhattisgarh's Urban Administration Minister Dr. Shivkumar Dahria informed that cleanliness has been linked with employment in Chhattisgarh. The key to the success of the Chhattisgarh model of cleanliness has been to link waste processing with livelihood. This has succeeded in making the cities of Chhattisgarh clean.
  • For this, the state government linked cleanliness with 'Narwa Garva Ghurva Bari', emphasized on single-use plastic ban and worked on the basis of 6R policy - Rethink, Reuse, Recycle, Repair, Reduce, Refuge that create new waste.
  • Community and public toilets were built in the settlements, in which people gave their full cooperation. Build sludge treatment plants for human sewage management, where sewer water is treated.
  • More than 10 thousand cleanliness didis encouraged every citizen of the state for cleanliness. To make people aware, these didis went door-to-door and gave training to segregate wet and dry waste and have played their part with great dedication in making cleanliness a habit among the people.
  • Toll free number 1100 has been provided for disposal of cleanliness related complaints of common citizens within 24 hours. All public and community toilets have been linked to Google, so that people can search their nearby toilets on the phone itself.
  • Innovative work has been done in the direction of making a garbage free city by processing 100% waste in the processing plants in all the cities of the state by collecting dry and wet waste from house to house. Along with this, gardens and greenery have been developed by eliminating the open dump sites of more than 150 wastes.
  • All the urban bodies in the state treat septic tank water. Due to this, Chhattisgarh has become the cleanest state in the country as well as the first ODF plus state.
  • The cleanliness model of Chhattisgarh, which works in the traditional way of Narva, Garwa, Ghurva, Bari, has now become the most famous model of the country. Chhattisgarh has become the cleanest state in the country for three consecutive times.
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