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Uttar Pradesh

Loudspeakers at religious places

  • 19 Mar 2025
  • 2 min read

Why in News? 

The Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh stressed the need for permanent noise pollution control measures for loudspeakers at religious places . 

Key Points  

  • Important Instructions: 
    • The Chief Minister directed the officials to keep the noise level in religious and public events as per the prescribed standards.  
    • He also gave instructions to ensure a permanent solution regarding the use of loudspeakers at religious places. 
  • High Court Decision:  
    • Earlier, the Allahabad High Court has also given an important decision regarding  the use of loudspeakers at religious places . 
      • The court clarified that using loudspeakers for prayers is not a legal right, because it may cause inconvenience to other people. Therefore, using loudspeakers does not fall under the category of rights. 
  • Noise Pollution: 
    • Any kind of uncomfortable or excessively loud sound is called noise pollution.  
    • Sound intensity is measured in decibels (dB) and a decibel scale is used to determine its levels.  
    • Sound intensity up to 20 dB is considered equivalent to a whisper.  
    • According to the World Health Organisation (WHO) , sound intensity less than 70 dB is not harmful to living beings, no matter how long it persists.  
      • However, if a person is exposed to noise above 85 dB for more than 8 hours continuously, it may pose a health hazard. 
    • The main sources of noise pollution include loud music, transportation, construction work, etc., which have a negative impact on human life.  
      • Its side effects include high blood pressure, hearing impairment, sleep disorders and heart disease. 
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