Jodhpur's Shubham Included in Rajasthan Royals Team | 15 Feb 2022

Why in News

  • Recently, in the Mega Auction of the 15th season of IPL 2022 held in Bangalore, Rajasthan Royals team has bought Shubham Garhwal of Jodhpur for a base price of Rs 20 lakh.

Key Points

  • It is worth mentioning that Shubham Garhwal hails from the rural area of Jodhpur.
  • Shubham has also played club cricket in South Africa. He has also been a member of the Ranji team of Rajasthan.
  • Shubham Garhwal scored 50 runs in 12 balls in the Colvin Shield competition held in Jaipur five months ago. Also broke the record of cricketer Yuvraj Singh.