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Jharkhand's Shipra Mishra Honoured with 'National Teachers Award'

  • 06 Sep 2022
  • 3 min read

Why in News?

On the occasion of Teachers' Day on September 5, 2022, President Draupadi Murmu conferred the National Teacher Award-2022 to Shipra Mishra, teacher of Tata Workers Union Plus Two High School, Kadma, Jharkhand at Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi.

Key Points

  • It is worth noting that this year 46 teachers from across the country were selected for the National Teacher Award, including Shipra Mishra, the only teacher from Jharkhand.
  • Shipra Mishra was presented with a check of Rs 50,000, a silver medal and a certificate of prize money by the President.
  • On this occasion a video related to the innovation made by the teacher Shipra Mishra and her contribution in the educational development of the school was also displayed in Vigyan Bhawan.
  • Shipra Mishra, while teaching children in an innovative, creative way, made a difficult subject like science a subject of play for children. The complex chapters of mathematics and geometry were simplified by gardening and fencing of trees. Made the boundary wall of the garden located in the school premises from the used plastic bottle. Her different thinking, innovative idea led her to this point.
  • Shipra Mishra, who sees and understands science from a different point of view, used the digital platform well. Taught children to use mobile and worked to adjust Nature and science.
  • Shipra Mishra said that people use scan code, bar code, QR code only for payment, while it has wide dimensions. Shipra converted the mystery of the trees and plants in her school into a QR code. They made a QR code of detailed information of all the trees. Now any child can scan that QR code and get complete information about the tree like its secrets, properties, species, where it is found etc.
  • Similarly, she made different shapes of geometry, such as triangle, quadrilateral, hexagon, circle, to make different shapes interesting in the garden. Their QR codes were also made.
  • It is worth mentioning that Shipra Mishra has received many awards in the past as well. She has received Best Teacher Award from Rotary Club in the year 2017, Best Teacher Award from Inner Wheel Club, State Level Teacher Award in the year 2019 and Best Science Teachers Award by NML in 2020.
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