Jharkhand Offers Aid to Flood-Hit Assam | 22 Jul 2024

Why in News?

According to the Chief Minister of Assam, Jharkhand has offered Rs 2 crore as aid to the flood-affected people of this northeastern state.

Key Points


  • About:
    • Floods are the most frequent type of natural disaster and occur when an overflow of water submerges land that is usually dry.
    • Between 1998-2017, 2 Billion people have been affected worldwide due to floods. 
  • Causes: 
    • These are often caused by heavy rainfall, rapid snowmelt or a storm surge from a tropical cyclone or tsunami in coastal areas.
  • Types of Floods: 
    • Flash Floods: These are caused by rapid and excessive rainfall that raises water heights quickly, and rivers, streams, channels or roads may be overtaken.
    • River Floods: These are caused when consistent rain or snow melt forces a river to exceed capacity. 
    • Coastal Floods: These are caused by storm surges associated with tropical cyclones and tsunami.