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Jharkhand A Statistical Profile 2022

  • 17 Jul 2023
  • 6 min read

Why In News?

On July 14, 2023, Jharkhand's Finance Minister Dr. Rameshwar Oraon launched a special campaign at Project Bhawan, Ranchi, to achieve 100 percent target of birth-death registration and create widespread public awareness related to registration, and Economics and Statistics Released 'Jharkhand A Statistical Profile 2022' prepared by the Directorate, Jharkhand.

key points

  • This campaign will run from July 14, 2023 to August 14, 2023.
  • During this special awareness campaign, a public awareness campaign is being conducted by putting up posters, banners etc. in all the 4962 birth-death registration units of the state, so that the target of 100 percent registration can be achieved.
  • In this work, all the declared indicators such as Anganwadi workers, Sahiyas and headmasters of schools have been entrusted with the responsibility of providing birth information form-1 and death information form-2 to the concerned registrar (Birth-Death).
  • After checking the information form received from the informants, the registrar will ensure registration of birth and death by completing all the necessary procedures, and then will provide a birth/death certificate to the concerned person.
  • The publicity of the campaign will also be done through mobile vehicles.
  • In addition to banners, posters at all important places, information and information related to birth-death registration will be broadcast on digital screens.
  • The main objective of this program is to achieve 100% registration of births and deaths in the light of the instructions of ORGI, New Delhi.
  • It is worth mentioning that this type of special campaign is being organized for the first time in the state, so that all common people can be aware of the importance of birth-death registration and the benefits derived from it.
  • Registration of birth and death is very important. Due to its absence, people are facing many problems. There are many such people, whose date of birth has been registered in their school etc. That became his birth certificate. Due to this, he retired on the basis of school birth certificate even before he completed 60 years.
  • At the same time, such examples are also found in many places where the day of birth of both younger and elder brother and sister is the same. This campaign is being run by the government to solve all these problems.
  • It is very important to register death as well as birth. It is useful as an important document in case of getting ancestral property, court case. Along with this, the death certificate also has an important role in the policy of the bank and LIC. The main objective of this one-month-long campaign is to make people aware, so that its goal can be achieved.
  • K Ravikumar, Secretary, Education Department, said that the registration of the birth of children in all the schools will be done through this campaign. About 6 lakh young children are enrolled in the state every year. The headmasters of all the schools have been directed in this regard.
  • The Election Commission is also running a voter revision campaign from 31st July. In such a situation, the commission will also be able to upgrade the voter list by coordinating with the birth and death registration campaign.
  • UNICEF State Head Kaninika Mitra said that registration of births and deaths is mandatory. For this a law was made in 1969. Registration of birth is the right of every child. It is a legal document. People will be benefited by this campaign in the entire state and the government will have solid information about the population of the state.
  • On this occasion, Honorable Finance Minister Rameshwar Oraon released 'Jharkhand A Statistical Profile 2022' prepared by the Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Jharkhand.
    • Giving information about this book, Director-cum-Additional Chief Registrar (Birth-Death) Rajeev Ranjan said that the data for the financial years 2020-2021 and 2021-2022 have been included in this book.
    • In this book, the data related to agricultural statistics, vital statistics, state income, daily wages of agricultural laborers and industrial statistics have been included by the Directorate of Economics and Statistics.
    • Apart from this, various departments such as Health, Energy, Roads, Mines, Animal Husbandry, Water Resources, Education, Rural Work, Transport, Rural Development, Tourism, Drinking Water and Sanitation, Social Security, Forest, Cooperative, Panchayati Raj, Commercial Tax, Data related to food supply, employment and information technology have been included.
    • An effort has been made by the directorate to include data related to social and economic status in this book.
    • There are 28 chapters in this book, in which statistics of different departments have been published. This book will prove useful for planners, researchers, economic and financial policy makers, administrators and economists.

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