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Jacinta Kerketta Named in the Forbes’ list of ‘Self-Made Women’

  • 09 Dec 2022
  • 2 min read

Why In News?

According to information received from the media on December 8, 2022, Forbes India has included Jharkhand's young poet and independent journalist Jacinta Kerketta in the list of India's Self-Made Women 2022.

Key Points

  • This year Forbes India's W-Power 2022 list features women who are breaking stereotypes, rejecting doubts and leading change.
  • Apart from Jacinta Kerketta, the prominent names that figure in this list are Nikhat Zareen, Katrina Kaif, Anju Srivastava and Anjali Bansal.
  • Forbes India's team researched and included such names in this list who made their own identity, who did not inherit money or position and such women who can be an inspiration to others. 20 names have been given a place in this list.
  • Jacinta Kerketta is a well-known poet and independent journalist of the country, who constantly talked about women's rights, who openly discussed the atrocities on the tribal society. Apart from this, he has also openly opposed the superstitions prevailing in his society.
  • These days Jacinta's poems have gained fame not only in the country but also abroad. Jacinta has discussed the more than a hundred years old Futkal tree planted in the courtyard of her house to show her intimacy with nature. It is a symbol of both his love and movement towards water-forest and land. Jacinta has written - Futkal Gach is published.
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