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State PCS Current Affairs

Madhya Pradesh

Hectares of Jungle Freed From Encroachers

  • 09 Jul 2024
  • 3 min read

Why in News?

Recently, The Khandwa forest department stated that they had reclaimed approximately 100 hectares of jungle that had been encroached upon by individuals for agricultural purposes. 

  • To reclaim the forest, the department destroyed the crops cultivated by the encroachers by felling a significant number of trees.

Key Points

  • Earthmoving machines and tractors were used to destroy the illegal crops and level the fields.
  • The official stated that the remaining areas are anticipated to be cleared in the upcoming days, which will then be followed by initiatives to revive the forest through the planting of seed balls and the installation of wire fencing. 
    • These encroached forests were utilized for the cultivation of soybean and corn crops, which has resulted in substantial harm to the forest ecosystem.


  • It is the unauthorised use or occupation of someone else’s property. This can occur on abandoned or unused spaces if the legal owner is not actively involved in its upkeep. It is important for property owners to be aware of the legal steps to take and their rights in such cases.
  • Urban encroachment refers to the unauthorised occupation or use of land or property within urban areas.
  • This could include illegal construction, squatting, or any other form of occupation without proper permission or legal rights.

Soybean Crop

  • Soybean is a Kharif crop in India.
  • Soybean (Glycine max) is the world’s most important seed legumes which contributes 25% to the global edible oil, about two third of the world protein concentrate for livestock feeding and is a valuable ingredient in formulated feeds for poultry and fish.
  • It is predominantly grown as a rainfed crop in Vertisols and associated soils with an average crop season rainfall of 900 mm.
  • Major Producing States in India: Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Chhattisgarh, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka.
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