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Governor inaugurates ICON-2023 Conference on Epilepsy

  • 24 Jul 2023
  • 2 min read

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On July 21, 2023, Rajasthan Governor Kalraj Mishra inaugurated the ECON-2023 conference jointly organised by the Indian Epilepsy Association and the Indian Epilepsy Society.

Key Points:

  • Speaking on the occasion, the Governor said that even in this scientific era, people are afraid of the symptoms of this disease and fall into the trap of exorcising the patient due to superstition, going to the Ojhas, etc.
  • The Governor called for greater dissemination of awareness regarding the treatment of epilepsy as well as its relation. He said that epilepsy is no longer an incurable disease. If it is treated timely, then in 80 percent of the cases, patients' seizures stop and they can lead a normal life.
  • By making lifestyle changes, following a natural lifestyle, adopting adequate sleep, regular yoga asanas, exercise, pranayama etc. and taking a balanced diet, then a person can avoid many diseases and live a physically healthy life.
  • Dr. Sudhir Bhandari, Vice-Chancellor, Rajasthan University of Health and Medical Sciences, said that the advances made on the basis of new medical research have helped in making the life of epilepsy patients easier on the patient. Efforts should be made at various levels to reduce the cost of medicines and treatment of this disease.
  • The Governor also released the ‘Coffee Table Book’ prepared on the occasion of the completion of 50 years of the Indian Epilepsy Association.

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