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Gift for Jharkhand Agriculture sector: Soil Testing Labs to be built in 500 Schools

  • 24 May 2023
  • 1 min read

Why in News?

Recently Manoj Ahuja, Agriculture & Welfare Secretary, Government of India at Krishi Bhavan in New Delhi said that 500 high schools will be identified for soil testing in Jharkhand so that Soil Testing Lab would be arranged here by the Government of India.

Key Points:

  • State Agriculture Minister Badal & Agriculture Secretary Abu Bakar Siddiq said that school students will be given training in soil testing, so that he will bring the soil of his and other farmers' land and get it tested in the lab.
  • After the test, we will be able to tell the farmers how the soil of the tested field is and which grains can be grown there. This will be a good experiment, which will benefit the farmers.
  • Apart from this, the Government of India has arranged a portal for seed tracking, it should be implemented soon in Jharkhand as well, so that the right seeds can be distributed in the market.

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