Every Family that Accepts Voluntary Resettlement will get Compensation of 15 Lakhs Instead of 10 Lakhs | 01 Jan 2022

Why in News

  • On December 31, 2021, the Forest Minister of Madhya Pradesh has informed that a provision has been made to give Rs.15 lakh per family to the family units accepting voluntary resettlement from the protected areas and villages of the Tiger Reserve Corridor area of the state.

Key Points

  • Earlier from the year 2008, for displacement from protected villages, compensation amount of Rs 10 lakh was given per family unit.
  • Forest Minister Dr Shah informed that the state had requested the central government in this regard. On the proposal, the National Tiger Conservation Authority, New Delhi, under the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Government of India, gave its approval to the proposed compensation amount.
  • A provision of Rs 300 crore has been made for the restoration in the year 2022-23. In this, Rs 285 crore has been approved from CAMPA head and Rs 15 crore for resettlement in plan number 5109. With the implementation of this arrangement, families living near Sanjay Tiger Reserve, Nauradehi Sanctuary and Ratapani Sanctuary will be relocated.
  • With the increase in the compensation package, the villagers living within the inaccessible forest areas will be resettled and encouraged to join the main stream of development. At the same time, by reducing human interference in inaccessible forest areas, human-wild-animal conflict will also be reduced and wildlife conservation will be strengthened more.
  • Villagers living in such forest areas have opted for resettlement voluntarily, in which 16,000 family units have been shifted to new habitations.