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Digital Haryana Vidhan Sabha inaugurated

  • 09 Aug 2022
  • 3 min read

Why In News?

  • On August 8, 2022, Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar inaugurated the first session of the Digital Haryana Legislative Assembly and the national e-Vidhan Application on Tablet (NEVA) for the first time.

Key Points

  • The Haryana Assembly is the third assembly in the country to go digital. Now all its work will be done through e-assembly.
  • The Chief Minister said that in 2020, Haryana has received the President's Award in the digital sector, besides 100 out of 150 awards received from the Central Government have been received in the digital sector itself.
  • Addressing the House during the inaugural session, the Chief Minister said that through this application, members of the Legislative Assembly can keep track of Q&A, Calling Attention Motion, Starred and Unstarred Questions, audio and video of the Vidhan Sabha. MLA can use this application not only on mobile but also on computer.
  • The Chief Minister said that the NEVA application has been made only for MLAs. All MLAs are given the same password first, but later everyone will have to create their own secret password and use it carefully.
  • He said that information about the development of the area along with the works of the Assembly will also be updated inside it. With this, the MLAs will be able to know how much development work has been done in their area, how much amount has been spent by the government in their area. This information will also be easily available to the general public through mlAs.
  • Speaker Gianchand Gupta said that a new revolution has begun with the formation of Haryana e-Vidhan Sabha. This will have far-reaching consequences. Haryana has done the work of digitizing the Assembly on priority basis.
  • He said that with the assembly going paperless, Rs 5.5 crore will be saved annually, which will also be beneficial for environmental protection.
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