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State PCS Current Affairs


'Cyber Security Awareness' Campaign

  • 05 Oct 2021
  • 2 min read

Why in News

  • Recently, the Haryana Government has decided to run a 'Cyber Security Awareness' campaign in all colleges and universities of the state, so that students, employees and other people of the society can be saved from falling prey to 'cyber fraud'.

Key Points

  • On behalf of the Principal Secretary, Haryana Higher Education and Technical Education Department, all the registrars of universities and principals of colleges have been instructed to run 'Cyber Security Awareness' campaigns in their respective institutions.
  • A booklet related to 'Cyber Security Awareness' has been published by the state government, in which information about cyber-crime threats, cyber-frauds, cyber-harm etc. is given. Apart from this, ways to avoid these crimes have also been told.
  • Cyber security is a type of security, whose function is to provide security to the data of digital devices connected to the Internet. Cyber ​​security prevents the wrong activities happening on the Internet, so that the data of the Internet user is not lost. This protection protects computers, servers, mobiles and networks from cyber attacks on the Internet. Cyber ​​security is also known by the names 'information security' and 'technology security'.
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