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Cow Urine Procurement Scheme

  • 29 Jul 2022
  • 5 min read

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  • On July 28, 2022, Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel formally launched the 'Cow Urine Purchase Scheme' by buying cow urine at a function organized on the occasion of 'Hareli', the first festival of Chhattisgarh, at village Karsa in Patan Vikaskhand of Durg district.

Key Points

  • Chhattisgarh is the first state in the country, which after purchasing cow dung from villagers for Rs. 2 per kg, is now purchasing cow urine for Rs. 4 a liter.
  • It may be mentioned that the 'Godhan Nyaya Yojana' in Chhattisgarh started from the day of Hareli festival on July 20, 2020. Under this, cow dung is being procured at the rate of Rs.2 per kg from the pastoral villagers in the cowsheds.
  • The unmatched success of large-scale manufacture and use of organic manure through the purchase of cow dung across the country has become the basis for the purchase of cow urine.
  • The objective of the purchase of cow urine is to create organic pesticides, bio-germs, growth promoters from it in the gothas so that organic pesticides can be made easily available to the farmers of the state at a lower price. The motive behind this is also to reduce the toxicity of foodgrain production as well as to reduce the cost of cultivation.
  • Now, organic pesticides will be prepared from it through women's groups by purchasing cow urine in the gothans, which will be made available to the farmers at a concessional rate. The price of these organic pesticides will be much lower than the price of the expensive chemical pesticide pesticide pesticide available in the market.
  • Agricultural scientists say that cow urine pesticides are a better and cheaper alternative to chemical pesticides. Its immunity is several times higher than that of a chemical pesticide. Its spraying in the fields helps in the control of all kinds of pests. The use of cow urine pesticides is more effective against leaf-eating, fruit incision and stem-piercing insects. Its use is also better for agro-environment and health.
  • It is worth mentioning that on the initiative of Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel, under the 'Garwa' component of 'Suraji Gaon Yojana', Gothans are built and operated in 8408 villages of the state, where there is free provision of fodder and water for the care of animals. In these Gothans, cow dung is being procured for the last two years under 'Godhan Nyay Yojana', through which women's groups are preparing organic fertilizers and other products.
  • Over 76 lakh quintals of cow dung has been procured in the state in the last two years, in lieu of which an amount of more than Rs. 153 crore has been paid to rural cattle farmers. Women's groups have so far produced more than 22 lakh quintals of Vermicompost, Super Compost, Super Compost Plus from the purchase of cow dung and made it available to the farmers of the state for use in agriculture.
  • Apart from manufacturing organic manure from cow dung in Gothans, women are also carrying out other oriented activities, which have earned them an additional income of Rs. 74 crore in the last two years.
  • Organic farming in the state will be further boosted by the preparation of organic manure as well as organic pesticides by the women's group in the gothas. This will provide additional income to the pastoral villagers and employment and income to women's groups.
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