Amroha's Sonam won Gold Medal in Triple Jump in Canada | 08 Aug 2023
Why in News?
- On August 6, 2023, Sonam of Amroha district won the gold medal by jumping 13 meters 32 cm in the triple jump in the World Police Games going on in Vinitak city of Canada.
Key Points:
- According to the information, in the World Police Games held from July 28 to August 6 in the Canadian city of Vinitak, Sonam has won the gold medal in triple jump (Trikood) by jumping 13 meters 32 cm long, leaving behind Hong Kong and South Korean players.
- Sonam had won the silver medal five days ago with a long jump of 5 meters 85 centimeters. She was only 18 cm short of winning the gold.
- It is known that this was the second time for Sonam, a player of triple jump (Trikud) and long jump, to participate in the World Police Games. His only goal was to bring a gold medal for the country in this international competition.
- Significantly, Sonam, daughter of Rajveer Singh, a farmer from Mohammadpur village of Rajabpur, is a head constable in CISF Delhi. He is also an athlete. Sonam also won a gold and a silver medal in the Games held in China in the year 2019. Not only this, in March 2023, Sonam also won the gold medal in the 71st All India Police Athletics Competition.
- In the same year, Sonam was also selected as the best player of the police department of the country. Earlier, he could not be selected in the Asian Games. She fell behind by three centimeters in the trials.