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  • 30 Dec 2023 GS Paper 1 History

    Day 36 :  Evaluate the accounts of foreign travellers about the Vijaynagar Empire. (150 words)

    • Start the answer with a discussion that sets a context for the question
    • Discuss the notable foreign travelers and their observations during this period.
    • Conclude suitably.


    The accounts of foreign travelers provide us with a valuable historical lens through which one can glimpse the vibrancy and complexity of the Vijayanagara Kingdom.


    Here is a list of notable foreign travelers who visited the Vijayanagara Kingdom:

    • Ibn Battuta(Morroco):
      • He left an account of Harihara I’s reign in his book Rehla
      • He noted the opulence and grandeur of Vijayanagara's court and highlighted the religious tolerance and diverse cultural practices within the empire.
    • Abdur Razzaq (Persia):
      • He visited the Vijaynagar Kingdom at the time of Dev Raya II as an ambassador of Shah Rukh, the Timurid dynasty ruler of Persia
      • He praised the efficient administration and organization of the Vijayanagara Empire.
    • Niccolò de' Conti (Italy):
      • He visited the Vijaynagar Kingdom during the time of Dev Raya II and left an account in the Travels of Nicolo Conti.
      • He observed the significant role of Vijayanagara in regional trade and commerce.
    • Domingo Paes (Portuguese Traveller):
      • He gave the most detailed accounts of all historic descriptions of the ancient city Hampi which was governed by the Vijaynagar Empire under Krishna Deva Raya.
      • He highlighted that Krishnadeva was a great builder.
    • Fernao Nuniz (Portuguese Writer) :
      • He observed that the kings of Quilon, Sri Lanka, Pulicat, Pegu, and Tenasserism paid tribute to Deva Raya II.
      • He observed the prosperity of the empire.
    • Duarte Barbosa (Portuguese Writer):
      • He had given a vivid account of Vijaynagara governance under Krishna Deva Raya in his book, “An Account of Countries Bordering the Indian Ocean and their Inhabitants”.
      • He provided insights into the local customs, including marriage ceremonies and social gatherings.
    • Criticism:
      • Cultural Biases: Foreign travelers often have cultural biases that may reflect preconceived notions of the observers.
      • Selective Focus: Foreign travelers often had specific interests, such as trade, religion, or governance, leading to a selective focus in their accounts.


    These foreign accounts draw upon the historical legacy of Vijayanagara's cultural richness, economic vibrancy, and governance practices for insights that can inform and guide us in the present day.

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