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State PCS


  • 11 Dec 2023 GS Paper 2 Polity & Governance

    Day 19 : Critically examine the constitutional and social implications of reservation in local jobs for the residents of a state. (250 Words)

    • Introduce the concept of reservation in local jobs and provide examples of the state having implemented it.
    • Discuss the Constitutional and Social Implications of such a policy.
    • Conclude suitably.


    Reservation in local jobs is a policy that aims to provide employment opportunities to the residents of a particular state in the private sector. Several states in India, such as Haryana, Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Jharkhand, have enacted or proposed such laws in recent years. However, this policy has raised several constitutional and social issues that need to be critically examined.


    Constitutional Implications:

    • Reservation in local jobs may violate the fundamental right to equality under Article 14 of the Constitution, which guarantees equal protection of laws to all citizens.
    • It may also violate the right to equality of opportunity in public employment under Article 16, which prohibits discrimination on grounds of religion, race, caste, sex, descent, place of birth or residence.
    • Reservation in local jobs may create an arbitrary and unreasonable classification based on domicile or residence, which has no rational nexus with the objective of providing employment.
    • Reservation in local jobs may also infringe the fundamental right to freedom under Article 19 of the Constitution, which includes the right to move freely throughout the territory of India, the right to reside and settle in any part of the territory of India, and the right to practice any profession, or to carry on any occupation, trade or business.
      • The Punjab and Haryana High Court while quashing the Haryana’s law that provides for 75% reservation to State domiciles in the private sector jobs, stated that it is beyond the purview of the State to legislate on the issue and restrict private employers from recruiting people from the open market.

    Social Implications:

    • Reservation in local jobs may have some positive social implications, such as providing employment opportunities to the local youth, especially those belonging to the economically and socially backward sections of society, who may otherwise face difficulties in competing with outsiders.
      • It may also help in reducing the regional disparities and inequalities in income and development, and in promoting the social and economic welfare of the residents of the state.
    • However, reservation in local jobs may also have some negative social implications, such as creating a sense of parochialism and regionalism among the locals, who may develop a hostile attitude towards outsiders.
      • It may also lead to a loss of diversity and pluralism in the workforce and may affect the quality and efficiency of the services and products offered by the private sector.
      • It may also discourage outsiders from investing or working in the state, and may adversely affect the growth and development of the state and the nation as a whole.


    Reservation in local jobs is a controversial and complex policy that has both constitutional and social implications. While it may have some benefits for the local residents, it may also have some drawbacks for the outsiders, the employers, and the national integration. Therefore, it needs to be carefully designed and implemented, keeping in mind the constitutional principles and the social realities.

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