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Dear Aspirants,

At Drishti IAS, we are dedicated to offering effective and convenient tools to assist you in your Civil Services exam preparation. With the UPSC CSE Preliminary Exam fast approaching, we are delighted to present our latest programme, PT SPRINT 2023.

PT SPRINT 2023 is a comprehensive programme designed to support your last-minute preparation needs. It covers significant events taking place in India and around the world, organized by subject matter for quick and efficient review. Moreover, it includes multiple-choice questions based on current events accompanied by thorough explanations to facilitate interactive revision.

We recognize the critical importance of your upcoming exam and aim to equip you with the resources necessary to feel confident and well-prepared. Join us in your Civil Services journey and let us help you achieve your aspirations.

What is PT- SPRINT 2023?

PT SPRINT 2023 is an optimal tool for efficiently reviewing important topics relevant to your Civil Services examinations. It comprises a thoughtfully curated collection of current affairs, complete with relevant contextual information, and includes valuable insights into various matters associated with the news presented.

PT SPRINT is continuation of Drishti IAS’s Integrated Guidance Programme for Prelims and Mains- 2023 i.e., Sambhav-2023. This programme is divided into three parts – Current Affairs (March 2022 to March 2023), MCQs based on Current Events (March 2022 – March 2023) and Path to Prelims - 2023 (Details are given below).

What Makes PT- SPRINT 2023 Unique?

  1. The PT SPRINT provides a unique amalgamation of current affairs with relevant topics from the static portion of the UPSC syllabus. The subjects are presented in a point-wise description which facilitates easy reading and studying. The detailed description of the news and the related segments helps readers understand the concepts effortlessly, eliminating the need to refer to multiple books.

    The current affairs are categorized into 11 chapters, which are available for download from the link provided below.
  2. Art & Culture Economy Environment
    Geography History International Relations
    Polity Science & Tech. Social Issues
    Infographics Maps
  3. Additionally, the series includes MCQs with detailed explanations, which can also be downloaded from the link given below:

  4. Chapters MCQs MCQ Explanations
    Agriculture Download Download
    Ancient History & Culture Download Download
    Defence & Security Download Download
    Economy Download Download
    Environment & Biodiversity Download Download
    Modern History Download Download
    Polity Download Download
    Reports and Indices Download Download
    Science & Technology Download Download
    International Relations Download Download
    Geography Download Download
    Governance & Social Justice Download Download
    Government Policies & Initiative Download Download
    Miscellaneous Download Download

Features of the Path to Prelims 2023:

  1. It will have total 10 Prelims tests, which includes 6 sectional test, 3 full-length test of General Studies (GS)-1 and 1 full-length test of GS-2 (CSAT).
  2. Each test paper has 100 MCQs, including current affairs questions.
  3. MCQs will be based on the in-depth analysis of the PYQs and pattern and difficulty level of the UPSC CSE Prelims.
  4. We have designed the Path to Prelims 2023 program to provide you with the necessary tools and resources to succeed in the examination.
  5. There will be real time dynamic ranking for each test attempted. You can post your score and ranking on the Disqus Platform provided below.
  6. The consistent and good scoring candidates’ score will be pinned on the Disqus platform by the Drishti IAS.
  7. The program is free of cost and aspirants just need to signup/login with Drishti IAS website to attempt the questions.

Special Features of PT SPRINT

  1. The programme has been designed to help aspirants cover a maximum number of topics at a sprinting speed.
  2. It extensively covers current affairs from March 2022 to March 2023.
  3. Most special feature of PT SPRINT is the coagulation of current affairs with the relevant static topics.
  4. This series has been made keeping in mind the need of aspirants to have a quick revision series for current affairs along with many of the Static portion topics.
  5. The resource is completely free, and because it is in PDF format, it can be accessed easily from any location and at any time.
  6. MCQs based on current affairs have also been added for better revision.

Why is Current Affairs Important for Civil Services?

PT SPRINT provides an inclusive analysis and discussion of news events that have occurred from March 2022 to March 2023, thereby equipping civil service aspirants with a better understanding of the current affairs and their relation to the static portion of the UPSC syllabus.

Being aware of various incidents occurring in the country and around the world is a prerequisite for civil service aspirants. Aspirants who possess a sound knowledge of current affairs are considered better candidates for diverse positions under UPSC, and other state civil services examinations as well. This is the reason why CA plays a major role in UPSC CSE.

In recent times, a trend has been observed in the way question papers have been set by UPSC. A significant number of questions based on current affairs have been included in the examination, accounting for around 30% of the questions in the past few years. Furthermore, being soundly prepared with the current affairs is considered vital while appearing for the Mains and Personality Test. It not only reflects the aspirant's knowledge of their surroundings but also plays a crucial role in forming their political and social opinions about the events taking place worldwide. It is on the basis of these opinions that civil servants formulate strategies to be applied in their area of jurisdiction.

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