Indian National Space Promotion and Authorization Center

Why in News

Recently, the Government of India has created the Indian National Space Promotion and Authorization Center (IN-SPACe), an independent nodal agency under the Department of Space.

Key Points

  • IN-SPACe is to be established as a single-window nodal agency, with its own cadre, which will permit and oversee the activities of private companies.
    • This is part of reforms aimed at giving a boost to the private sector participating in space-related activities or using India’s space resources.
  • Functions:
    • Encourage, promote and handhold the private sector for their participation in the Space Sector.
      • Currently, there are more than 500 private companies which partner with the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) in carrying out various space activities.
      • They provide materials used in manufacturing, mechanical fabrication, electronic fabrication, system development, integration, etc.
    • Draw up an integrated launch manifest considering the requirements for ISRO, New Space India Limited (NSIL) and private companies based on priorities and readiness level.
      • After these reforms are implemented fully, the role of NSIL would be to build launch vehicles, provide launch services, build satellites, provide space-based services, technology transfers, etc.
    • Work out a suitable mechanism to offer sharing of technology, expertise and facilities on free of cost wherever feasible or at reasonable cost basis to promote private companies.
      • The government will allow utilising those infrastructures of ISRO which are otherwise not available elsewhere in India.
    • Permit establishment of facilities, within ISRO premises, based on safety norms and feasibility assessment.
  • The decision of IN-SPACe shall be final and binding on all stakeholders including ISRO and private players will not be required to seek separate permission from ISRO.

Source: PIB