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You cannot Step Twice in the Same River

  • 15 Nov 2022
  • 8 min read

Life is as vibrant and fast-paced as the water in the river. Life moves with the passage of time, and as time passes, we get older. Experiences, situations, ideas, and people all change throughout time. Nothing in life is constant. Anything that is lost once is gone forever. If you are moving with emotion, sadness, desire, and sorrow, it represents the presence of life. Dynamism reflects that if something is over the probability of its repetition is not easy. The characteristics of dynamism exist with the river also. If we observe the life of an individual it changes from one phase to another phase and the previous phase cannot be revisited. A Baby is born in a protected and cared environment and grows toward its adolescent phase. During this period, a youngster began learning little to moderate things that he retained for the rest of his life. He will not need to learn it again, nor will he learn it. As life moves from one phase to another phase life is getting enriched by different experiences. These experiences transform an individual from an immature individual to a mature individual. Once an individual lost its immaturity and became mature, he will never again be an immature person in its entire life. That is why it is stated that once something is gone from life, it is gone forever. An adult transform into an older one and in the end, it ultimately leads to the end of life. Individual is born then he cannot take birth again, He will become an adult once in life. He will be older only once in life and he will die only once. Once you say something to anyone you can apologize but you cannot take back your words. Once you have taken any unethical action you can rectify it in your next action but previous unethical action which you did cannot be rectified or reverted back. Once you have shown your affection and love to someone you cannot show the same second time. Next time the affection and love you show will be the next one not the previous one because the instance or point of that moment passed away. During the study once you crossed one barrier that will not come again for the first time. Whenever it will come again it will be the second or third.

India became a free nation on the 15th of August 1947 and this day is the first Independence Day of India. Every year we celebrate Independence Day but it will never be the first one because the first celebration of independence has passed on date 15th August 1947. Same thing happened with the Republic Day of India which was celebrated on the 26th of January 1950. Life is full of challenges and associated with the several kinds of events which come once in life and are lost forever so considering these aspects, life reveals the secrets that an individual should live in the present and focus on what he is doing at a particular point of moment. Because the future depends on the decision and action taken in the present.

We are all evolving on a personal level, and we live in a constantly changing environment. Our power to shape the course of our life and future occurrences is quite restricted. It is nearly difficult to glimpse the depths of the big river of life if we stay on the surface.

We frequently miss how we are part of the ever-changing universe around us because we can clearly see it. Life is always changing its course, reminding people to be attentive and observant, to live in the present moment. People desire to be happy and seek reasons for happiness. Inspiration might be passive awareness, but more often than not, it is enlightened wisdom that is required for permanent happiness. Nietzsche observes that once we achieve a long-desired goal, we find "how foolish and empty it is." Socrates famously said that the unexamined life is not worth living. A philosophy of life must include at least two components: metaphysics and ethics. A metaphysics is an explanation of how the universe works. An ethical account is a description of how we should live in the world.

For instance, Buddhists follow the eightfold path: Right View (actions have consequences, death is not the end, etc.), Right Intention (adopting a life that follows the eightfold path), Right Speech (no lying, no rude speech, etc.), Right Conduct (refraining from killing sentient beings), Right Livelihood (making one’s living in an ethical manner), Right Effort (preventing the arising of unwholesome states), Right Mindfulness (being mindful of Buddhist teachings), Right Samadhi (practicing meditation). These are the teachings of the Buddha which he realized during the course of enlightenment. Buddha reveals the secrets of enlightenment through its preaching. During its enlightenment, Buddha recognized that a person cannot step twice in the same river, implying that something that has passed from life cannot be revisited later in life.

Life teaches us the lesson which no book or teacher can teach us, so it is our responsibility to take the lesson from our mistakes and try to not repeat it in the future. Whatever we lost in the past by doing mistakes cannot be recovered but we can rectify it in our future course of action.

Buddha teaches that suffering of an individual lies in his thought process. An individual either lives in the past or in the future, making it difficult for him to focus on the present. Buddha teaches that a person should live in the present moment. If an individual lives in the present, he will utilize the time in a more efficient way. Such a person will never regret the loss of time because he fully utilizes his time and There will be nothing for which he wants to return to that moment.

“Whatever Happened was Good. What’s Happening is Going Well. Whatever will Happen, will Also Be Good. Do Not Worry about the Future. Live in the Present.”

Lord Krishna

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