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Culture Does not Make People, People Make Culture

  • 20 May 2023
  • 9 min read

A Nation's Culture Resides in the Hearts and in the Soul of its People

Mahatma Gandhi

Culture is an essential component of society, providing a framework of beliefs, values, and behaviors that influence the way people interact with one another. It shapes our worldviews and identities, and it reflects the collective experiences of the people who make up a particular community. However, while culture plays an important role in shaping individuals and society, it is ultimately people who shape culture.

The statement "Culture does not make people, people make culture" suggests that culture is not something that is predetermined or static, but rather something that is constantly evolving and shaped by the actions and choices of individuals. In other words, culture is not something that exists independently of human agency but is instead created and recreated by human beings through their interactions with one another.

While culture provides a framework and influences individuals, people possess the ability to make choices. They can deviate from cultural norms, challenge existing beliefs, and adopt new perspectives. People have the capacity to think critically and make decisions based on personal experiences and individual values, which may not always align with cultural expectations.

This idea is particularly relevant in today's globalized world, where the interconnectivity of people and cultures has led to the blending and evolution of traditions and practices across geographic and cultural boundaries. As individuals interact with one another and share their ideas and experiences, they bring their unique perspectives and values, which can lead to the formation of new cultural norms and practices.

Cultures are not homogenous entities, but rather diverse and multifaceted. Within any culture, there are variations in beliefs, practices and values among individuals. People within the same culture can hold different opinions, engage in different behaviors, and embrace alternative lifestyles. This diversity within cultures indicates that individuals have the capacity to shape their own identities and make choices that may go against certain cultural norms.

Furthermore, the actions and choices of individuals can have a significant impact on the direction and evolution of culture. For example, cultural icons, such as musicians, actors, and artists, can influence the attitudes and behaviors of their followers, and their impact can be felt across generations. Similarly, social movements and political leaders can shape the values and beliefs of a society, which can ultimately lead to changes in cultural norms and practices.

People are not solely influenced by their own cultural background. In today's interconnected world, individuals have increased exposure to different cultures through travel, migration, communication, and the internet. These interactions allow for the exchange of ideas and the adoption of new perspectives, which can shape an individual's worldview and behavior. Exposure to diverse cultures provides opportunities for personal growth and the development of unique identities that transcend cultural boundaries.

However, the influence of individuals on culture is not limited to those in positions of power or influence. Everyday people also have the power to shape culture through their interactions with one another. This can include everything from the way we communicate and express ourselves to the way we consume goods and services.

Cultures are not static entities. They evolve and change over time as societies progress, adapt to new circumstances, and interact with other cultures. Social, economic, and technological advancements contribute to the transformation of cultural norms and values. Individuals play an active role in this process through cultural innovation, social movements, and the reevaluation of existing norms. This dynamic nature of culture allows for individuals to challenge and shape cultural practices.

Culture is a living entity that evolves and grows with the collective experiences of a community. One of the fascinating aspects of culture is how daily practices can transform into traditions and, ultimately, shape the fabric of an entire culture.

Daily practices form the bedrock of human routines and interactions. They are the repeated actions and behaviors that individuals engage in on a regular basis. These practices often stem from practical needs, social norms, or personal beliefs. Examples include rituals, routines, and customs observed in various aspects of life, such as meal preparation, greetings, or religious practices.

As daily practices are consistently followed and passed down from generation to generation, they acquire a deeper meaning and value. The repetition and preservation of these practices instills a sense of continuity and connection to one's heritage. Individuals recognize the significance of these actions, attributing them to their ancestors or cultural origins.

Traditions emerge when a group of people collectively adopt and continue to practice specific daily rituals. As communities adhere to these traditions, they strengthen their cultural identity. Rituals become markers of belonging, forging a sense of unity and shared heritage among community members. The act of passing down these traditions ensures their continuity, as they become a cherished part of cultural heritage.

The transformation of daily practices into traditions and their subsequent integration into a culture exemplify the intricate interplay between human agency and collective identity. Through the preservation and reinforcement of traditions, individuals cultivate a sense of belonging and perpetuate cultural heritage. The evolving nature of culture, fueled by the reinterpretation of traditions, allows for the growth, expansion, and resilience of societies. Daily practices are the seeds from which traditions and cultures blossom, shaping our worldviews, values, and shared human experiences.

In many ways, the ability of people to shape culture is a reflection of the fundamental human need for connection and belonging. We are social beings who seek to find meaning and purpose in our lives through our interactions with others. As we come together in communities and share our experiences, we create and recreate culture in ways that reflect our shared values and beliefs. Culture is a dynamic and ever-evolving entity that is shaped by the choices and actions of individuals. While culture provides a framework and influences individuals, people possess the agency to challenge norms, adopt new perspectives, and create cultural change. The interconnectedness of our globalized world further facilitates the blending and evolution of cultures. As individuals interact and share ideas, they contribute to the formation of new cultural norms and practices. Ultimately, the power of individuals to shape culture reflects our innate need for connection and our capacity for personal growth and change.

“Culture is the Widening of the Mind and of the Spirit.”

Jawaharlal Nehru

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