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A Smile is a Chosen Vehicle for all Ambiguities

  • 16 Dec 2022
  • 9 min read

“Peace Begins with a Smile.”

Mother Teresa

A powerful instrument for communication and social engagement is the smile. Whether they come from a loved one or a politician, smiles have a big impact on how we feel and act in both private and public circumstances. Even while a smile of delight spreads a positive energy. Smiles can occasionally just serve affiliative intentions or even hide unpleasant sentiments and intentions. A face with pleasing, cherry eyes appear to be naturally grinning. A smile on a face with sorrow in the eyes indicates uncertain mental status. In order to make adjustments, it is essential to accurately interpret smiles. A question about how the smile impacts the expression arises when it is a component of an ambiguous expression on a face with sad eyes.

Everyone is dealing with something on this planet. Both joy and sorrow are natural parts of life. To cover up their genuine feelings, they have put on a mask. Some people employ this cheerful mask to cover up their issues, quirks, or concerns. Some people wear it to cope with the loss of a loved one.

We must comprehend what the ambiguities signify. Ambiguities are something that in fact represent multiple meanings. Which is not evident or plain. We might refer to something that is causing mystery or spreading confusion. The ambiguities are spread by some manipulative or gray areas issues. The ambiguity is carrying the weight of diplomacy. When someone is noncommittal, confrontation is not necessary. We could just grin and let the conversation go on. We can make a pleasant gesture or smile and walk on when we disagree with something but do not want to say no. We can merely smile without adopting a position if we wish to take a pause to think.

Smile is a vehicle to spread ambiguity. Now the question arises what is the meaning of smile in this context. Smile basically reflects something like charming disposition, gentle words, disagreeing with something without confrontation or without challenging someone. Polite gestures also come in the premises of the polite gesture. You may express your disapproval without starting a fight by smiling, making a nice gesture, and being charming. Due to its draining effect on a person's vitality, conflict is a trait that prevents their development and prosperity. Instead of using strategies that drain your energy, it will be far preferable to manage the situation with calm and harmony.

It is considered that the best example of the negotiation strategy is constructive ambiguity. It describes the purposeful use of ambiguous language on a sensitive topic to further a political goal. Pleasant gestures, a smiling face and soft words, as well as ambiguous sentences with explicit political intentions, have the power to drag people down in accordance with desires. They can really advance related issues in a way that neither party feels excessively uncomfortable.

For example, New Delhi has chosen a calculated public neutrality toward Russia despite its disapproval of Ukrainian conflict. Among the great democracies and among American strategic allies, India's response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine has distinguished itself. It has consistently voted against Russian aggression in Ukraine by abstaining from votes in the UN Security Council, General Assembly, and Human Rights Council. It has also refrained from publicly blaming Russia for the Crisis. India was displaying solidarity for Ukraine on the opposite side of the public stage. A smile has the power to cross chasms and overcome obstacles.

When it comes to religion, sensible and rational individuals can only have an ambivalent attitude toward modern religion since it is a convoluted reality full of ambiguity. Because it elicits both love and anger, it cannot be unconditionally adored or indiscriminately dismissed. Religion will exist in this world for as long as there is life, and ambiguity will develop with religion. People will be unable to discard it categorically or accept it wholeheartedly. It very clearly reflects that the people are accepting it with polite gestures and happiness but also have uncertainty in mind about the religion. Humans are a greedy creature of nature that accepts or rejects anything based on the balance of their selfishness. Rationality will be overlooked if interest is achieved by accepting something with ambiguity.

It is a well-known story that Krishna was smiling as he beheaded Shishupala. Killing is a severe act, and trying to do it with smile on face and that to by a God makes for a lot of ambiguity in people's minds.

Buddha would frequently smile and remain silent when someone asked him a question. This sort of conduct from an enlightened soul creates a lot of questions about why God is smiling.

If we talk about mental health issues then we will find that even after growing awareness, many people still do not understand or treat mental distress seriously, which frequently has a negative impact on a person's life. This is mostly due to a lack of understanding of mental health disorders and their ramifications. Even after discussing such incidents, they hide their experiences. Then feel deep inside that something is happening wrong in his emotional and psychological sphere of life but due to lack of proper clarity people are making it an indispensable part of life.

Compassion and mutual understanding have the potential to make the world a better place to live. It is directly associated with smiling and happiness. First of all, we have to underline the causes of compassion and mutual understanding. If compassion and mutual understanding is losing its relevance, then we can maintain it by using charming disposition and gentle words. Compassion entails five elements that apply to the self or others. These five elements are recognizing suffering, understanding the universality of suffering in human experience, feeling for the person’s suffering and emotionally connecting with their distress, tolerating any uncomfortable feelings aroused such as fear, disgust, distress, anger etc. All of these are associated with the prevailing ambiguity of life. So that we remain accepting and open to the person in their suffering and acting or being motivated to act to alleviate the suffering.

Nothing in this world prevails without ambiguity. Ambiguity instigates the sense to achieve clarity. Soft skills are used several times to resolve the state of ambiguity on one hand and on the other hand in several circumstances these are used as tools to tackle the complexity of the issue. The soft skills such as smile, polite gesture and charming disposition used to maintain the circumstantial ambiguity. If circumstantial ambiguity favors the personal interest, then diplomacy always tries to maintain the ambiguity.

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