Total Questions : 267
Q. “The National Logistics policy (2022) is an endeavor to improve the competitiveness of Indian goods and increase employment opportunities”. Discuss (250 words)
19 Oct, 2022 GS Paper 3 Economy -
Q. Digital Banking units (DBU) will ensure fintech innovations reach the grassroots of India in a consumer-friendly manner. Discuss (150 words).
19 Oct, 2022 GS Paper 3 Economy -
Q. Make in India Scheme was launched with the intent of making India self-reliant in manufacturing, but it has achieved no significant feet. Critically analyse. (150 Words)
12 Oct, 2022 GS Paper 3 Economy -
Q. Skill acquisition for the youth of India is a prerequisite if it wants to tap into the demographic potential. In this context discuss the various initiatives taken for Skill Development. (250 Words)
12 Oct, 2022 GS Paper 3 Economy -
Q. Millets production comes with a lot of health, agricultural and nutritional benefits. Discuss.
28 Sep, 2022 GS Paper 3 Economy -
Q. Define Unemployment and various forms of unemployment and discuss the various reasons for unemployment in India.
14 Sep, 2022 GS Paper 3 Economy -
Q. Recently there is an increase in focus on bringing changes in the Competition Act, 2002 to keep pace with time. In this context discuss the proposed changes in the Competition Bill,2022. (250 Words)
07 Sep, 2022 GS Paper 3 Economy -
Q. The Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY) with its aim of ensuring access to various financial services to the excluded sections at an affordable cost has a huge impact. Still, it is faced with many such challenges to achieving them. Discuss. (250 Words)
07 Sep, 2022 GS Paper 3 Economy -
Q. Public Private Partnerships (PPP) are quintessential for addressing infrastructure gaps in the country, however, PPP projects in India face numerous challenges. Analyse. (250 words)
06 Jul, 2022 GS Paper 3 Economy -
Q. What are the key features of the National Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Policy 2016? While mentioning achievements under the new IPR policy, also discuss issues related to it. (250 words)
06 Jul, 2022 GS Paper 3 Economy -
Q. India’s refusal to join the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) highlights its tendency for calibrated globalization. Comment. (150 words)
22 Jun, 2022 GS Paper 3 Economy -
Q. The efforts towards land reforms in India have been tardy and slow. Discuss the reasons for the poor progress of land reforms in India. (150 words)
15 Jun, 2022 GS Paper 3 Economy -
Q. What are the key objectives of long pending labour reforms in India? Also, highlight the major constraints impeding labour reforms. (150 words)
15 Jun, 2022 GS Paper 3 Economy -
Q. E-commerce is emerging as a key enabler and critical determinant of India’s growth and economic development. Analyse the above statement in the light of India's draft e-commerce policy. (150 words)
08 Jun, 2022 GS Paper 3 Economy -
Q. What are the present challenges before crop diversification? How do emerging technologies provide an opportunity for crop diversification? (250 Words)
01 Jun, 2022 GS Paper 3 Economy -
Q. Do you agree that the Indian economy has recently experienced V-shaped recovery? Give reasons in support of your answer. (250 Words)
27 Apr, 2022 GS Paper 3 Economy -
Q. How and to what extent would micro-irrigation help in solving India’s water crisis? (150 Words)
30 Mar, 2022 GS Paper 3 Economy -
Q. How did land reforms in some parts of the country help to improve the socio-economic conditions of marginal and small farmers? (150 Words)
23 Mar, 2022 GS Paper 3 Economy -
Q. Distinguish between Capital Budget and Revenue Budget. Explain the components of both these Budgets. (150 Words)
16 Mar, 2022 GS Paper 3 Economy -
Q. Explain the difference between computing methodology of India’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) before the year 2015 and after the year 2015. (150 Words)
16 Mar, 2022 GS Paper 3 Economy -
Q. Discuss the unemployment scenario of India and what measures can be taken to tackle this unemployment wave. (250 Words)
10 Mar, 2022 GS Paper 3 Economy -
Q. Discuss the issues faced by the female entrepreneurs in male-dominated businesses. (150 Words)
16 Feb, 2022 GS Paper 3 Economy -
Q. The lessons learnt from the success of the white revolution should be deployed to regreen the green revolution. Discuss. (250 Words)
11 Feb, 2022 GS Paper 3 Economy -
Q. Discuss how monetisation of railway assets plays a significant role in resolving various issues of the Indian railways. (250 Words)
09 Feb, 2022 GS Paper 3 Economy -
Q. Discuss the significance of micro-irrigation in sustainable agriculture and the challenges prevalent in the adoption of such irrigation systems. (150 Words)
08 Feb, 2022 GS Paper 3 Economy -
Q. Protectionism may be beneficial in the short term, but in the long term, it hurts the economy.” Comment.
25 Jan, 2022 GS Paper 3 Economy -
Q. The aviation sector has seen steady growth in the last few years, however it continues to face multiple challenges. Comment. (150 words)
12 Jan, 2022 GS Paper 3 Economy -
Q.Digital technologies are transforming all the sectors of the economy and the society in innumerable ways. Discuss how far it can bring transformation in the current state of the Indian agriculture system. (250 Words)
07 Jan, 2022 GS Paper 3 Economy -
Q. It is beilieved that monetising underutilised public assets will bring in required capital and help build new infrastructure to boost the economy. Discuss the statement in light of the recently launched National Monetisation Pipeline. (250 Words)
22 Sep, 2021 GS Paper 3 Economy -
Q. ‘The US is one of the largest trading partners of India at present.’ In the light of the statement discuss the issues prevalent in the trade relations of the two countries. (250 Words)
15 Sep, 2021 GS Paper 3 Economy