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Mains Practice Questions

  • Q. The role played by B R Ambedkar has helped in nation-building and continues to have a prominent impact on the present Indian socio-economic-political setup. Discuss.

    03 May, 2021 GS Paper 1 History


    • Start the answer by briefly mentioning the various roles played by BR Ambedkar that have helped in nation building.
    • Discuss the major contribution of BR Ambedkar.
    • Conclude Suitably.


    BR Ambedkar’s role as a social reformer, chairman of the draft committee of the Indian Constitution, and first law minister of the country is well-known. His contributions helped in nation-building and continues to have a prominent impact on the present Indian socio-economic-political setup.


    Major Contribution of BR Ambedkar

    • Father of Indian Constitution: BR Ambedkar's legal expertise and knowledge of the Constitution of different countries was very helpful in the framing of the constitution.
    • Building a Just Society: The Poona Pact (signed between Mahatma Gandhi & BR Ambedkar) assured a fair representation of the depressed classes in the public services while earmarking a portion of the educational grant for their uplift.
    • Role in Ensuring Gender Parity: His advocacy for universal adult franchise ensured that women had the right to vote immediately after Independence.
      • He also helped to establish the principle of “equal pay for equal work” irrespective of sex and maternity benefits.
      • His advocacy of the Hindu Code Bill was a revolutionary measure towards ameliorating women’s plight by conferring on them the right to adopt and inherit.
    • Distinguished Economist: The Reserve Bank of India was conceptualized from the Hilton Young Commission’s recommendation, which considered Ambedkar’s guidelines laid out in The Problem of the Rupee: Its Origin and Its Solution.
    • Labour Leader: Ambedkar was the voice of the Depressed Classes on every platform. As their representative at the Round Table Conference, he championed the cause of labor and improving the condition of peasants.


    As India is about to celebrate the Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav to commemorate 75 years of Independence, it is imperative to recognise the role played by BR Ambedkar. However, today India is facing many socio-economic challenges such as casteism, communalism, separatism, gender inequality, etc. We need to find the Ambedkar's spirit within us, so that we can pull ourselves from these challenges.

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