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Mains Practice Questions

  • Q. Decentralization of power through Panchayati Raj Institutions is crucial for participatory democracy and development at the grassroots level. Comment. (250 words)

    02 Jul, 2024 GS Paper 2 Polity & Governance


    • Introduce by mentioning 73rd Amendment
    • Delve into Benefits of Decentralization of Power through PRIs
    • Highlight the Roadblocks to Effective Decentralisation of Power to PRI
    • Suggest Way Forward
    • Conclude positively.


    Panchayati Raj Institutions have emerged as a cornerstone of growing emphasis on grassroot governance. Functioning as the bedrock of rural governance, PRIs hold immense potential to transform democracy by fostering active citizen participation and driving development.


    Benefits of Decentralization of Power through PRIs:

    • Empowerment and Participation: PRIs provide a platform for local communities to directly participate in decision-making processes that affect their lives.
      • This fosters a sense of ownership and accountability, leading to more inclusive development.
    • Needs-based Development Planning: PRIs have a deeper understanding of local needs and priorities.
      • They can allocate resources more effectively to address issues like sanitation, water supply, primary education, and rural infrastructure.
      • The Hiware Bazar village in Maharashtra transformed from a drought-prone area to a model of sustainable development through effective need-based planning.
    • Improved Service Delivery: Decentralization brings governance closer to the people, facilitating better monitoring and improved service delivery in crucial areas like healthcare and social welfare.
    • Women's Empowerment: PRIs with reserved seats for women provide a platform for women's leadership and participation in decision-making processes.
      • This can lead to a more gender-inclusive approach to development.
      • The emergence of leaders like Chhavi Rajawat, India's youngest sarpanch with an MBA degree, illustrates how PRIs can nurture women-leadership.

    Roadblocks to Effective Decentralisation of Power to PRI:

    • Inadequate Devolution of Functions: Many states have not fully devolved the 29 functions mentioned in the 11th Schedule of the Constitution to PRIs.
      • This limits the scope of PRI authority and decision-making power at the local level.
    • Financial Constraints: PRIs often lack adequate financial resources to carry out their functions effectively. They earn only 1% of their revenue through taxes.
      • This indicates high dependence on central and state government transfers.
    • Capacity and Skill Gaps: Many elected representatives in PRIs lack the necessary skills and knowledge for effective governance.
      • Example: A 2018 study found that more than 50% of the elected representatives in Uttar Pradesh did not receive any training after even one year of being in their positions.
    • Irregular Elections: Some states fail to conduct regular PRI elections, undermining the democratic process.This leads to gaps in local governance and representation.
    • Gender Gap: Despite reservations, women's participation in PRIs remains low due to the prevalence of Pradhan-Pati Culture. This hinders the inclusion of women's perspectives in local governance.
    • SPV Bypassing PRIs: Special Purpose Vehicles, often set up by central or state governments, bypass PRIs in implementation of development projects at the local level.
      • This undermines the authority and decision-making power entrusted to PRIs by the 73rd Amendment.

    Way Forward

    • Clear Functional Demarcation and Promote Fiscal Federalism: Establish clear-cut demarcation of functions for each government tier as recommended by the 2nd Administrative Reforms Commission.
      • Ensure genuine fiscal autonomy with accountability to promote effective financial management at the local level.
      • Encourage outsourcing of specific functions to public or private agencies to improve service delivery efficiency.
    • Strengthen Financial Resources and Management: Focus on major Own Source Revenues like property tax and user charges as suggested by the Expert Committee Report on OSR of rural local bodies.
      • Provide comprehensive training on financial management and resource mobilization to PRI members and officials.
      • Ensure timely and adequate fund transfers from higher government levels to support local development initiatives.
    • Enhance Capacity and Infrastructure: Develop and implement comprehensive training programs for PRI members on governance, administration, and development planning.
      • Improve digital infrastructure and implement e-governance initiatives to enhance transparency and efficiency.
      • Strengthen physical infrastructure of Panchayat offices to ensure proper functioning and service delivery.
    • Promote Inclusive and Participatory Governance: Ensure regular and timely PRI elections to maintain democratic representation at the grassroots level.
      • Strengthen Gram Sabhas as platforms for participatory decision-making and community engagement.
      • Implement participatory planning and budgeting processes to ensure local needs are adequately addressed.


    By strengthening PRIs and promoting a collaborative approach with other development actors, India can unlock the true potential of grassroots democracy and build a more vibrant, equitable future for all.

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