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Mains Practice Questions

  • Q. Do you agree that effective leadership requires power-sharing and participatory decision making? Substantiate your answer with suitable examples. (250 words)

    09 Jan, 2020 GS Paper 4 Theoretical Questions


    • Describe the significance of power-sharing and participatory decision making for a leader.
    • Give examples for the same.


    A leadership based on power-sharing and participatory decision making can be more engaging and democratic. Power-sharing not only builds trust between the leader and the community but it also effectively grooms the next line of leadership. With participatory decision making the leadership can develop and strengthen mutual respect among the diverse perspectives found in a community.


    Power-sharing motivates the people to take up responsibilities and invokes a sense of sincerity towards their duties. When power is shared, members of the community realise that their leadership trusts their efficiency. This further increases the sense of ownership among the individuals for various goals or tasks and reduces the need for constant monitoring. Thus, resulting in a more productive management of resources.
    Participatory decision making strengthens unity and cooperation among the members of the community. It promotes equality and results in more effective ways to find solutions to the problems. A leader who follows the participatory approach in decision making is less likely to digress with her prejudices and can be more empathetic to the different sections of the community. This is because the participatory approach emphasises on the equitable distribution of power. It also reduces the possibility of exploitation of power by one powerful.


    The leadership under Mahatma Gandhi was based on power-sharing and participatory decision making to a very large extent. The Gandhian leadership led to the inclusion of the working class, tribals, women, Dalits and most of the other marginalised groups of Indian society and effectively added them to the country’s struggle for freedom. It also set a precedent for the next generation of leaders to be more democratic in their leadership.


    An effective leadership not only directs the present generation of community members towards productivity, but it also offers essential foundations for grooming progressive, inclusive and empathetic leadership in the generations to come. This is what then keeps on transforming society for better.

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