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Mains Practice Questions

  • Q. Increase of probity in governance does not always result in a decrease in corruption. Do you agree? Substantiate your argument with examples. (150 Words)

    26 Dec, 2019 GS Paper 4 Theoretical Questions


    • Explain the concept of probity.
    • Then with the help of examples, discuss that though probity helps in curbing the menace of corruption it does not always result in the decrease of corruption.
    • Conclude suitably.


    • Probity is considered as an act of vigilance and public scrutiny in public office. It is about uprightness, integrity, incorruptible and rectitude i.e. straightforwardness. Probity in governance is an essential and vital requirement for an efficient and effective system of governance and for socio-economic development.


    • It is generally perceived that increase in probity means a decrease in corruption. There has been more transparency and accountability due to various internal and external checks on the civil servants.
    • However, if we analyze in detail, probity has increased but a manifestation of corruption has been changing with time. The corruption which was earlier in the lower level of bureaucracy has been reduced to a certain level but it has expanded in various forms. The corruption has shifted more from the implementation level to policy formulation level.
    • Due to LPG (Liberalization, Privatization, and Globalization) reforms and the growing role of the private sector in each and every field of the public interface, the nexus between politicians-bureaucrats-businessmen has increased. The use of technology has increased transparency on one side, but it has also led to different kinds of corruption like fake IDs. Thus, such systems are not foolproof.


    • According to the World Bank Development Report, although the transparency has increased in the administration, actionable accountability is yet to be established.

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