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Mains Practice Questions

  • Q. Do you agree that sometimes rules and laws become the basis for moral corruption in society? (150 Words)

    19 Dec, 2019 GS Paper 4 Theoretical Questions


    • Discuss law as a tool for social order
    • Reasons for not internalization of law by public
    • Give suggestions in this regard
    • Conclude by emphasising the need for acceptability rather than enforceability


    Laws and rules are important in any society to maintain social justice and order. They act as guidance for the ethical conduct of people in society. However, too much dependence on laws and rules leads to moral corruption among the people. While committing an immoral act, a person tends to give excuses by pointing towards provisions of rules and laws which are too old and does not comply with present social norms.


    People follow the law only to avoid punishment, which is not the rationale behind the law:

    • They have an inherent nature of being selfish which leads to moral corruption. ‘Man is selfish by nature’-Thomas Hobbes.
    • Impact of crony capitalism, money-driven society, commercialization and materialism in the society.
    • Weak enforcement of probity in public life.
    • Lack of strong character in people.
    • Too many old and rigid laws also provide ground to misuse of laws by the people in society.
    • Colonial hangover, Mai-Baap culture. (2nd ARC)
    • Centralization of power in the administration. (2nd ARC)


    • Imbibe values in people for building character as a check on their behaviour.
    • Changes in the laws and rules as per changing social norms and values of the forthcoming generations.
    • Improving Checks and balances in society through the strengthening of social institutions.
    • Promoting Ethical ecosystem or Ethical infrastructure which requires minimum standards of conduct from everyone in the society.


    Conducts can be considered desirable even if they are not enforced by-laws and rules. Moreover, it is difficult to control the behaviour of every person in society even when laws are enacted.

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