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Mains Practice Questions

  • Q. Examine the objectives and significance of national supercomputing mission in India alongwith the challenges involved. (250 words)

    28 Mar, 2019 GS Paper 3 Science & Technology


    • Give a brief idea on supercomputing mission
    • Mention its objectives
    • Enumerate the advantages and challenges


    • National Supercomputing Mission is an important initiative by Government of India to boost indigenous efforts to be in the forefront of supercomputing capability for socio-economic development of the nation.
    • The mission is  jointly steered by Ministry of Electronics and IT and Department of Science & Technology.



    • Strengthening Institutional Capacity: The Mission envisages empowering our national academic and R&D institutions spread over the country by installing a vast supercomputing grid comprising of more than 70 high-performance computing facilities.
    • Pooling supercomputing resources: These supercomputers will also be networked on the National Supercomputing grid over the National Knowledge Network (NKN). Academic and R&D institutions as well as key user departments/ministries would participate by using these facilities and develop applications of national relevance.
    • Capacity Building: The Mission also includes development of highly professional High Performance Computing (HPC) aware human resource for meeting challenges of development of these applications.
    • To provide continuity in maintaining a lead in supercomputing, the Mission also includes advanced R&D. This will create requisite expertise to build state-of-the-art next generation supercomputing


    • It will bring supercomputing within the reach of the large Scientific & Technology community in the country; will provide significant qualitative and quantitative improvement in R&D and higher education in the disciplines of Science & Technology;
    • The mission will bring India into the select league of advanced countries such as the US, Japan, China and the European Union (EU) which share top Supercomputing machines in the world.
    • Supercomputing facilities will enable India in S&T capabilities in areas such as designing vehicles, aeroplanes, massive structures like high rise buildings and bridges, infrastructure , discovery of new life saving drugs, discovery and extraction of new energy sources including oil, natural gas etc.
    • More accurate weather forecast as well as real time tracking of natural phenomenon, timely warning of cyclones etc.
    • It would be an enabler for the Digital India vision of the Government by making available huge data storage space and linking systems together.
    • The mission envisages manufacturing of supercomputing systems in India and may play a lead role in Make in India vision.


    • There has been continuous delay in implementing programme·         
    • India lacks highly skilled workforce for Supercomputer development.
    • Need to work on policies to attract the talent from all over the world as well as retaining the indigenously available talent through financial and other incentives.
    • Funding crunch for the mission because of which project has been delayed.
    • While India’s stronghold is in the field of software development, it has to depend on imports to procure the hardware components required for building supercomputers


    National Supercomputing Mission is timely effort to ensure India does not lag in new area as Industry 4.0 transforms the way of doing work, equipping Indian R&D establishment to develop and master newer technological applications to resolve developmental challenges India is facing.

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