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Mains Practice Questions

  • Q. Discuss the concept of "ethical relativism" and evaluate its merits and demerits as a basis for ethical decision-making. (150 words)

    16 Feb, 2023 GS Paper 4 Theoretical Questions


    • Start your answer by briefly introducing about ethical relativism.
    • Discuss merits and demerits of ethical relativism in making ethical decisions.
    • Conclude accordingly.


    • The concept of ethical relativism is the idea that ethical principles and values are relative to the culture and society in which they are observed. It means that ethical norms and values vary from culture to culture and what is considered morally acceptable in one culture may not be the same in another culture.
    • Ethical relativism is an important topic in the field of ethics, and this paper seeks to evaluate its merits and demerits as a basis for ethical decision-making.


    • Merits of Ethical Relativism:
      • Cultural Tolerance: One of the main merits of ethical relativism is that it allows for cultural diversity and respect for other cultures. Ethical relativism acknowledges that different cultures have different ethical beliefs, and no culture is superior to another.
        • It is essential to recognize that each culture has its own unique set of values and customs, and this diversity should be celebrated rather than judged.
        • Ethical relativism promotes cultural tolerance and mutual respect, which can lead to better understanding and harmony among different cultures.
      • Importance of Context: Another merit of ethical relativism is that it recognizes the role of context in ethical decision-making. Ethical decisions are not made in a vacuum, but are influenced by various social, cultural, and historical factors.
        • Ethical relativism acknowledges that these factors shape ethical beliefs and practices, and thus, ethical decisions cannot be made without considering the context in which they occur.
          • For example, in some cultures, euthanasia may be considered a moral act, while in others, it is seen as immoral.
    • Demerits of Ethical Relativism:
      • Moral Relativism: One of the main demerits of ethical relativism is that it can lead to moral relativism. Moral relativism is the idea that there are no objective moral truths, and all moral beliefs are equally valid.
        • This can lead to the belief that anything goes, and there are no moral absolutes. This can be dangerous, as it can lead to the justification of actions that are universally considered immoral, such as genocide, torture, or slavery.
      • Cultural Imperialism: Another demerit of ethical relativism is that it can lead to cultural imperialism. Cultural imperialism is the belief that one culture is superior to others, and its values and practices should be imposed on other cultures.
        • This can lead to the dismissal of other cultures and their practices, which can lead to cultural erasure and loss of cultural diversity.
          • For example, during the colonial period, European powers imposed their values and practices on other cultures, resulting in the loss of many indigenous cultures and practices.
    • Evaluation of Ethical Relativism:
      • In evaluating ethical relativism, it is important to recognize its strengths and weaknesses. Ethical relativism allows for cultural diversity and respect for other cultures, which is an essential aspect of a globalized world.
        • It acknowledges the role of context in ethical decision-making and allows for the consideration of various factors in making ethical decisions. However, ethical relativism can lead to moral relativism and cultural imperialism, which are both problematic.


    • Ethical relativism is an important concept in the field of ethics. It acknowledges the diversity of ethical beliefs and practices among different cultures and allows for cultural tolerance and respect. However, ethical relativism can also lead to moral relativism and cultural imperialism, which are both problematic.
      • Therefore, it is essential to recognize the strengths and weaknesses of ethical relativism and use it as a tool to promote cultural diversity and mutual respect, rather than as a justification for immoral actions or cultural imperialism.

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