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Mains Practice Questions

  • Q. “Integrity is a value that empowers the human being.” Justify with suitable illustration. (150 Words)

    21 Apr, 2022 GS Paper 4 Theoretical Questions


    • Start with defining integrity.
    • Justify with examples how integrity empowers the human being.
    • Conclude suitably with emphasizing on the need of the integrity.


    Integrity means adopting similar standards or moral principles in similar situations across time and interested parties. In other words, it means to be honest and consistent in thoughts, speech and action. A man of integrity is never influenced by temptations and pressures from outside and would only respond to his conscience.

    Integrity empowers the human being and makes them understand their true foundational values by:

    • keeping in mind the aim/purpose of one’s action or inaction and acting consistently with that choice – even when it is inconvenient or unprofitable to do so,
    • choosing the right course of conduct in conformity with moral principles,
    • openly declaring one’s intentions or where one stands.

    Different types of integrity

    • Personal Integrity: In 1964, Mandela was sentenced to 27 years in prison. He knew that  overthrowing apartheid called for struggle and sacrifice, and was prepared for the long walk to freedom. Ten thousand days in prison failed to break Mandela and he refused to compromise on his beliefs or leave the struggle midway. Mandela was so strong on his principles that no situation affected him or made him deviate from his path.
    • Professional Integrity: Acting in accordance with professional values, standards and norms with consistency and willingness, even in the face of criticism or allurements. For example, holders of public office should not place themselves under any financial or other obligation (like accepting gifts or favours) that seek to influence them in the performance of their official duties.
    • Intellectual Integrity: Practicing what one advocates for, being consistent and true in one’s thinking. Socrates was an outstanding example of a person of intellectual integrity who was committed to the pursuit of truth and knowledge, and demonstrated it even in the face of attacks on his integrity.
    • Moral Integrity: Consistency and honesty in the application of standards of morality or right and wrong, used for judging others as well as oneself, like Buddha emphasised on the purity of ‘thoughts, words and deeds’.
    • Integrity in Public Life: Performing duties in public life same as what one believes. Not compromising with moral standards and bringing reforms in society. For example, the Tenth Chief Election Commissioner of India, TN Seshan’s bold initiatives led India’s game-changing electoral reforms.

    Integrity might seem to be a very difficult virtue to follow in starting as it makes a person understand to differentiate between one's desires and one's conscience. But in the long run integrity will make the person more empowered.

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