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  • Q. Family is not just a social institution for serving our daily wants but it is also the first school of citizenship. Explain. (150 Words)

    17 Feb, 2022 GS Paper 4 Theoretical Questions


    • Begin with an introduction of the family system and elaborate on how family serves our daily wants
    • Discuss the values for being a good citizen
    • Explain how the family acts as the first school of citizenship
    • Give a suitable conclusion


    Family is a fundamental institution under the social system which plays a crucial role in the development of an individual's personality. Family is also important for the socialization process and value system formation. Family, by making a person responsible and moral, strengthens the social and moral structure of a nation.

    Family's primary work is to fulfil basic needs like food, shelter, education, health and emotional support. But the Role of a family is not limited to these functions only, actually, it is the first school of citizenship as well.

    • A good citizen has many basic values like Patriotism, Integrity, Honesty, Tolerance, Fraternity, compassion towards weaker sections of society etc. Our constitution, in its part IV A, also consists of Fundamental duties of a citizen like respecting our national symbols and National Heroes, respecting women, having Scientific Temperament, preserving our environment and national monuments etc. Family is the first social institution to inculcate these values in an individual.
    • The family performs these functions by various methods like role-playing, reward and punishment process etc. A child tries to copy the actions of his family members. If her father obeys traffic rules, then she will also try to be like her father. A child can acquire courage as a value after watching her family being honest and courageous. The sustained relationships and the existing value system of the family members shape the values of a child and accordingly the child’s attitude towards the society and the nation is formed.
    • Grandparents and elders, by storytelling, inculcate various moral values like honesty, compassion in their children. However, a family can impart values with negative outcomes also. A child growing up in an environment of coercion and corruption may look down on the value of honesty and may lack self-confidence.

    Our value systems are facing challenges due to multiple factors, which could be understood by looking at the incidence of criminal and corruption activities as well as the general behaviour of people in society. Some of this could be attributed to the weakening of the family system.

    Thus, by strengthening the family system, we can rejuvenate the moral fabric of our country which will lead to producing moral and responsible citizens. Dr APJ Abdul Kalam accepts the role of parents as first teachers in a child’s schooling, which act as the foundation stone of a great nation. He says,” If a country is to be corruption free and become a nation of beautiful minds, I strongly feel there are three key social members who can make a difference they are The Father, The Mother and The Teacher.”

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