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  • 17 Jul 2023 GS Paper 1 Indian Society

    Day 1:  To what extent globalization has influenced the core of social institutions in India and the nature of personal relations in these social institutions? Explain. (150 words)

    • Introduce Globalization and effects of globalization on Indian society.
    • Explain how globalization has also influenced some of the social issues in India such as marital rape, LGBTQ+ rights, etc.
    • Conclude suitably.


    Globalization is a process of increasing integration and interdependence of the world in terms of economy, culture, communication, and technology. It has influenced the core of social institutions in India and the nature of personal relations in these social institutions to a great extent. Some of the effects of globalization on Indian society are:

    • Economic effects: Globalization has opened up new opportunities for trade, investment, growth and development in India. However, it has also created challenges such as inequality, unemployment, poverty, environmental degradation and vulnerability to external shocks.
    • Cultural effects: Globalization has exposed Indians to diverse cultures, lifestyles, values and ideas from around the world. It has also facilitated the spread of Indian culture, art, music and cuisine globally.
    • Communication effects: Globalization has enhanced the access to information, education and entertainment for Indians through various media and technologies. It has also enabled greater participation and voice for marginalized sections such as women, dalits and minorities.
    • Personal effects: It has increased individualism, mobility, choice and autonomy for some sections of society. However, it has also weakened social bonds, increased stress, isolation and alienation for others.

    Globalization has also influenced some of the social issues in India such as marital rape, LGBTQ+ rights, same-sex marriage and other such issues. Some of the ways globalization has affected these issues are:

    • Marital rape: Marital rape is the act of sexual intercourse with one’s spouse without their consent or against their will. It is a form of domestic violence and sexual violence that violates the human rights of women. However, marital rape is not criminalized in India under any law. Globalization has raised awareness about this issue among women’s groups, human rights activists and international organizations who have demanded legal reforms to recognize marital rape as a crime. However, globalization has also faced resistance from some sections of society who view marital rape as a private matter or a cultural norm that should not be interfered with by external forces.
    • LGBTQ+ rights: LGBTQ+ stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer or questioning people who have diverse sexual orientations and gender identities. They face discrimination, violence and stigma in India due to social and legal barriers. Globalization has empowered LGBTQ+ people to assert their rights and identities through various platforms such as media, internet, social movements and civil society organizations. Globalization has also influenced the legal system to recognize LGBTQ+ rights such as decriminalizing homosexuality by striking down Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code in 2018 by the Supreme Court (Navtej Singh Johar Case was inspired by US Federal Court's judgement in Lawrence vs Texas case).
      • The worldwide recognition and celebration of Pride Month and the push for equal rights and marriage equality in various countries have contributed to the growing acceptance and visibility of LGBTQ+ individuals in India.
    • Same-sex marriage: Same-sex marriage is the marriage between two people of the same sex or gender. It is a form of recognition and protection of LGBTQ+ rights that grants them equal status and benefits as heterosexual couples. However, same-sex marriage is not legal in India under any law. Globalization has inspired some LGBTQ+ people to challenge this status quo by demanding legal recognition of their marriages through petitions in courts or public demonstrations. Globalization has also brought support from some sections of society who view same-sex marriage as a matter of personal choice and human dignity. However, globalization has also encountered opposition from some sections of society who view same-sex marriage as a threat to traditional family values or social order or national sovereignty.

    Therefore, globalization has had both positive and negative impacts on Indian society and its social institutions. It is important to balance the benefits and costs of globalization by adopting appropriate policies and strategies that promote inclusive and sustainable development while preserving the diversity and richness of Indian culture and society.

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