Noida | IAS GS Foundation Course | date 09 January | 6 PM Call Us
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World Map : September (II) 2020

Identify Places On Map
  • 1. Locate the countries of the Middle East that have recently signed the Abraham Accord?

    1(a) Israel 1(b) United Arab Emirates 1(c) Bahrain. The Abraham Accord between Israel, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain is mediated by the USA. It is the first Arab-Israeli peace deal in 26 years. The Abraham Accords also open the door for Muslims around the world to visit the historic sites in Israel and to peacefully pray at Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, the third holiest site in Islam.

  • 2. Identify the countries which will be connected by the ‘Nord Stream 2’ gas pipeline?

    2(a) Russia 2(b)Germany. Nord Stream 2 is a nearly constructed 1,200-kilometre pipeline from Russia to Germany via the Baltic Sea. It will run alongside the already constructed Nord Stream and will double the amount of gas being funnelled through the Baltics to 110 billion cubic meters per year.

  • 3. Identify the country with which India has recently signed ‘Acquisition and Cross-Servicing Agreement (ACSA)’?

    Japan. Recently, India and Japan signed a logistics agreement that will allow armed forces of both sides to coordinate closely in services and supplies. The agreement is known as Acquisition and Cross-Servicing Agreement (ACSA). India has similar agreements with the USA, Australia, France, Oman and Singapore.

  • 4. Locate the island where Komodo National Park is located?

    Island of Komodo (eastern Indonesia). Komodo National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage site, is situated in the Island of Komodo (eastern Indonesia) and is the only habitat for this lizard species. Komodo dragons have thrived in the harsh climate of Indonesia's Lesser Sunda Islands for millions of years. They prefer the islands’ tropical forests but can be found across the islands. A recent study conducted by Australian universities has found out that the Komodo dragon could become extinct in the next few decades due to climate change.

  • 5. Identify the place where a large number of long-finned pilot whales died recently?

    Tasmania (Australia). Over 450 long-finned pilot whales have died in Australia's largest recorded mass-stranding event. The whales were beached at a remote beach in Tasmania’s west coast. Beaching refers to the phenomenon of dolphins and whales stranding themselves on beaches. There are around 2,000 strandings each year worldwide, with most resulting in the death of the animal.

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