Noida | IAS GS Foundation Course | date 09 January | 6 PM Call Us
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World Map : March (III) 2020

Identify Places On Map
  • 1. Identify the location where Indian Ocean Commission (IOC) is situated?

    Mauritius. The Indian Ocean Commission (IOC) islands are situated around the Mozambique Channel, one of the key chokepoints in the Indian Ocean. The Mozambique Channel is an arm of the Indian Ocean located between the African countries of Madagascar and Mozambique. The Commission has five observers — India, China, European Union (EU), Malta and International Organisation of La Francophonie (OIF).

  • 2. Identify the place which was recently seen in the news for killing two extremely rare and vulnerable white giraffes by poachers?

    Kenya. Poachers killed two extremely rare and vulnerable white giraffes in Kenya, leaving just one such animal in the world. The white appearance of the giraffe is due to leucism, a genetic condition that causes skin cells to have no pigmentation. Giraffes are listed as vulnerable in the IUCN red list and come under Appendix II of the CITES.

  • 3. ’Boko Haram’ a militant group, which was often seen in the news, is active in?

    Nigeria. Boko Haram is a militant group in northern Nigeria and its militants mainly inhabit areas in the northern states of Nigeria specifically Yobe, Kano, Bauchi, Borno and Kaduna. Boko Haram was founded in 2002 and it means "western education is forbidden."

  • 4. With which European Union country, India announced a collaborative ‘Industrial Research & Development Programme’ during ‘India Smart Utility Week 2020’?

    Sweden. India-Sweden Collaborative Industrial Research & Development Programme is a collaborative programme on Smart Grids which will help to transform the clean energy sector into a secure, adaptive, sustainable and digitally-enabled ecosystem and provide reliable and quality energy for all. It is a joint Programme, co-funded by the Indian Department of Science & Technology (DST) and the Swedish Energy Agency.

  • 5. Identify the place where the United States has recently signed a historic deal with the Taliban?

    Doha (Qatar). The United States has signed a historic deal with Taliban insurgents that could pave the way for ending the 18-year-war in Afghanistan. The deal was signed in Doha (Qatar) and thus termed as Doha Agreement.

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