Noida | IAS GS Foundation Course | date 09 January | 6 PM Call Us
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World Map : May (I) 2019

Identify Places On Map
  • 1. Identify this place where Loya Jirga (grand assembly) has recently been concluded.

    Afghanistan. Politicians and officials from across Afghanistan have gathered in Kabul to discuss the war and U.S. efforts to forge a peace deal with the Taliban.The meeting is being termed as ‘Loya Jirga’— literally “grand assembly” in Pashto. It is the largest such assembly in modern Afghan history. According to the afghan constitution, Loya jirgas decision can take precedence over all state institutions, including the presidency. Loya jirgas have traditionally been a forum to discuss and reach a consensus on important political issues among Afghanistan's various ethnic groups, tribes, and factions.

  • 2. Identify this country where Los Glaciares National Park is situated.

    Argentina. Los Glaciares National Park in Argentina contains some of the largest glaciers on the Earth and is threatened by very large ice loss – about 60% of the current volume – by 2100. In Europe, the disappearance of small glaciers is projected in the Pyrenees – Mont Perdu World Heritage site before 2040. Te Wahipounamu – South West New Zealand, which contains three quarters of New Zealand's glaciers, is projected to lose 25% to 80% of the current ice volume over the course of this century.

  • 3. Identify this country against which U.S. used “Agent Orange”.

    Vietnam. The US has launched a clean-up project at a former storage site for Agent Orange in Vietnam. Agent Orange was a powerful herbicide used by U.S. military forces (Operation Ranch Hand) during the Vietnam War in the 1960s. US forces sprayed millions of liter of Agent Orange over South Vietnam between 1962 and 1971 in a bid to flush out Viet Cong communist guerrillas by depriving them of tree cover and food.

  • 4. Identify this country which has recently announced to abolish Kafala System, an exit visa system.

    Qatar. Qatar is set to abolish its controversial exit visa system for all foreign workers by the end of 2019. Under the Kafala system, a migrant worker’s immigration status is legally bound to an individual employer or sponsor (kafeel) for their contract period.

  • 5. Identify the area where Strait of Hormuz is located.

    Between Iran and Oman, UAE. Strait of Hormuz separates the modern Iranian state from the countries of Oman and the United Arab Emirates. Iran has said that it could close the strategic Strait of Hormuz shipping route if it faces more “hostility,” from the United States. Strait of Hormuz, also called Strait of Ormuz, channel linking the Persian Gulf (west) with the Gulf of Oman and the Arabian Sea (southeast). The strait is 35 to 60 miles (55 to 95 km) wide and separates Iran (north) from the Arabian Peninsula (south). It contains the islands of Qeshm (Qishm), Hormuz, and Hengam (Henjam). It is of great strategic and economic importance.

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